Chapter 9

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"Jimin...? Jimin.. I think I have heard of him. He's a dancer, right" Taehyung asks Hoseok.
"Yeah. He can help us."
"With?" Jungkook thinks to himself about how a dancer can help them with their joint mission.
"He goes to the Perfects' land everyday. He sneaks near to the labs when there are no Perfects nearby. Jimin knows about the secret cameras too. He can help us in shutting down the cameras for sometime when we enter the abandoned building." Hoseok takes a pause, "Wait, he also told me that he knows the prison where the Glitchers are put. He can help Yoongi to get out of the prison. And then, both of them can figure out a way to switch off the security cameras..." Hoseok looks at the other two, "What do you say?"

Taehyung takes a moment to think about the plan, "I think it is good.. but Yoongi won't trust just anyone. He needs an indication that Jimin is working with us now and is safe to rely upon." He then thinks what would be a safe thing to use for the purpose,"Let's use a secret of Yoongi-hyung as a code word for Jimin to speak."
"Okay... But you are the one who knows everything about hyung. What shall we use?" Jungkook asks Taehyung.
"Do you even know why the Perfects want to catch hyung and keep him imprisoned, like all the time..?" Taehyung asks them.
"He is a rebel."
"I am a rebel too, Jungkook. And that is not the reason." Taehyung pauses for a few seconds, "He is a song-writer... the best in this land!"
Hoseok has goosebumps at this revelation and Jungkook's jaw drops.
"I-I could never expect that a person who is so rebellious can be that good at art!" Jungkook stutters in wonderment.
"Do you mean like a prodigy, Taehyung?" Hoseok asks him.
"Yeah, that would be a sophisticated word, but yeah, he is a prodigy. He used to go to the Perfects' land everyday and write songs for them to analyze. He could sing too.. But one day, he found out something.. about which he did not tell me yet. But then-" He looks at the other two who are hooked upon his words with eyes widened. They're listening to him with such a keen interest that they don't want any word to remain unheard.
Information is wealth now!
"...anyway, we can tell Jimin to use this information as a code word that Taehyung sent Jimin to Yoongi for help and that he can trust Jimin." Taehyung says to Hoseok and the other sighs as he couldn't get all the information that Taehyung was about to say. .
"I think we should speak to him, like, all of us should sit and discuss it together." Jungkook pitches in to the conversation. "Also, what if he's not interested in helping us. And, what will he expect to get out of this?"
"Not everyone expects something to help-"
"Hyung, let's be practical here!" Taehyung says right away, "As much as I can't stand this kid, I accept with what he said!"
Jungkook glares at Taehyung but the elder chooses to ignore him.

Hoseok looks at Taehyung and thinks about it, "Fine. Let's talk to them and find out."
"Them?" Jungkook frowns a little.
"Yeah, Jimin and his friend, Seokjin-hyung. Both of them strive really hard to take care of their housemates." Hoseok says and gets up to walk out of the cave, "I will bring them here and we can discuss about our mission. Both of you, wait here and in the meantime, sort out your issues."
Taehyung scoffs at the elder and dismisses him with a wave.

Jungkook sits there distracted, recollecting all the information that he came to know a few minutes ago. He gets out of distraction when Taehyung clears his throat.
"I will take a nap. Tell Hoseok-hyung to wake me up when he returns." With that, Taehyung closes his eyes.

Jungkook looks at the elder as he falls asleep and smiles, 'He won't sleep peacefully in front of me if he doesn't trust me. Let's see how long he pretends to hate me!' he thinks and starts working out to spend the time till Hoseok arrives.


Hoseok goes to Jin's house and knocks the door. Jimin answers it and instantly get terrified, "Hyung, you just can't come here out of the blue. We thought of meeting at the boundary-"
"Yeah, I know. We need to go now. There are people waiting for us to discuss about something. Where is Jin-hyung?" Hoseok asks impatiently. He just wants to run away from here before someone notices that he's not from Opal town.
"He's inside. Come into the house... wait here for a minute." Jimin makes Hoseok stand near to the door and wait for them. A few minutes later, he brings Jin and the three of them walk towards the town boundary.

"Alright, you know Ruby town, right?" Hoseok asks them and they nod in acceptance.
"Great. We are going there to meet two people. We will discuss with you about the help I asked. If you don't want to help us, I understand." He says and walks in front of them.

Jimin looks at Jin with concern in his eyes but the elder gestures him that everything will be fine and he can trust Hoseok. They walk towards the cave in silence and Jimin gets stressed out. He holds Jin's hands for support and the elder tries to calm him down.

As they enter the cave, Hoseok sees that Taehyung is snoring again and Jungkook is doing handstand push-ups, a few metres away from Taehyung. He looks at the people entering the cave and stands on his feet. Sweat starts to form on his forehead and he wipes it using the back of his hand.
Jimin looks at him with mouth agape and eyes widened. Jin clears his throat and Jungkook gets embarrassed.
"Jimin, close your mouth!" Jin swats at his arm and Jimin says, "Woooaaah!!! Can you teach me th-that?" He points at Jungkook and asks him.
"Yeah..." He says in embarrassment and smiles a little.

"Hyung, can we raise that kid and make him our housemate?" Jimin whispers to Jin and the other laughs but instantly shakes his head in disappointment, "We don't have enough money."
Jungkook hears their conversation and laughs, "I am a ranger in my town, and I take care of my house."
"Fine, fine. We can have the introductions later. First let's get to business." Hoseok claps to get their attention, "Jungkook, wake him up." But Jungkook shakes his head, "He wants you to wake him up... you know that he hates me, right?"
"Yeah." Hoseok chuckles and wakes Taehyung up. Taehyung whines a little and starts ranting how his sleep is important for him but wakes up anyway. When he sees Jimin and Jin, he asks, "Who is Jimin here?"
"I-It's me." Jimin raises his hand and smiles showing his crescent eyesmile.
"This kid? Hyung, really? You think this kid will help us? He doesn't look tough. I can make him cry by using just my words!" Taehyung scoffs at him.
Hoseok rolls his eyes and Jungkook shakes his head in disbelief. "You seriously need to learn some manners."
"Excuse me, but I'm not a kid." Jimin frowns at Taehyung.
"Yeah, he is the same age as you." Hoseok says to Taehyung and the younger looks at them sceptical.

"Let's talk about the thing that you want him to help you with." Jin says with a soft but stern voice and they settle down to talk...
'A teacher indeed!!' Hoseok thinks about Jin and starts the conversation.
"Jimin, you go to the Perfects' land everyday, right?" Jimin nods at Hoseok, "We need you to convey a message to a Glitcher prisoner there and help us with the security cameras." Hoseok gives the gist and he has to elaborate the mission to Jin and Jimin.

"Oh, who is he?" Jimin asks Hoseok about the Glitcher in the prison.
"His name is Yoongi-"
"Yoongi? As in the guy who is quite rebellious and always has bruises and cuts?"
Hoseok and Taehyung looks at Jimin with eyes widened.
Jimin looks at both of them in succession, blinking his eyes. He looks at Jin but the elder shrugs.
Jimin turns to face Hoseok and says, "I know Yoongi!"

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