Chapter 6

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The other three look at each other, sceptical about what Hoseok told them just now.
"Do you remember the way those Perfects took? We can go there and see what is... like what is present over there?" Yoongi asks Hoseok.
"But, what if we get caught by the Perfects?" Jungkook looks at them worried.
"I can sneak around and get inside... have done that with the Perfects' labs already." Yoongi speaks with confidence.
"Hyung, you get beaten by them because of that... why-"
"Taehyung, I want freedom! Nothing can stop me from that." Yoongi says with a firm voice.
"I haven't seen the Perfects near that hill in the past." Hoseok tells them. "You gather a lot of information... you too don't have any idea about it. So the Perfects may not be coming here that frequently, right?" Hoseok asks Taehyung.
"I-I'm not sure."
"Whatever, let's sneak and see what is inside that hill." Jungkook says and they start walking towards it.

As they get near the huge rocks, they observe a small area between the rocks where a person can easily pass through.
"I'll go in first." Yoongi says and goes inside.
"Wait, let's all go together and hold each other's hands, so that we all stay together." Jungkook suggests but Taehyung mocks at him, "The little kid here is terrified!" Taehyung teases him but the older two accept with Jungkook's words.
"He is right. We don't know how dark it gets inside. So, let's hold each other's hand and stick to one decision... we should work as a team" Hoseok says but Taehyung rolls his eyes, "We're a team now? Ew!" But he gets slapped on his arm by Yoongi. "I told you to keep your mouth shut for sometime!" He glares and they hold hands, in order of Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok.
They enter the hill and it gets darker as they walk inside. Small gaps between the rocks let the light enter the hill in a perforated way and that is the only source of light for them to see and walk ahead. Yoongi walks with extreme attention, making sure that the path in front of them is completely clear. As they walk, they come to a place where there is more light than before. A few minutes later, they walk out of the hill and stand near what seems like a deserted building in the middle.
"Are we in some town or what is this?" Jungkook looks around but he sees only rocks and the building.
"No... We are not in any town. The rocks hide this building from outside. I guess the hill is not naturally made. These rocks must have been kept here to hide this building." Hoseok guesses from his observation of the surroundings.
"You may be right. There seems to be only this building here. I don't see any Perfects around. Let's walk to the entrance." Yoongi says and walks towards it. The others follow him, still holding each other's hands.
"Do we still need to hold hands? It creeps me out-" Taehyung rants but Jungkook pushes his hand from his grip. "Stop whining!" He glares and looks at the entrance.
The four of them look around the building to see if there is any way to get inside.
"Hyung, I found something here." Taehyung shouts and the three of them run to him. Taehyung looks inside, through a glass portion in the wall. "I see something!" He points at it to Yoongi.
"Let me take a look." Yoongi stands in Taehyung's place and looks inside.
He gasps, "There are some machines... like the ones that were in-in the Perfects' labs." He looks inside again, "They are cylindrical, like the ones used to make people, I mean us and the Perfects."
He looks back at them but all the others have their jaws dropped in awe.

"I have never seen one!" Jungkook says and peeps to take a look at it from over Yoongi's shoulders.
"We should go inside!" Hoseok says but Yoongi stops him. "We don't know what is inside and why it was abandoned by the Perfects. There must be a strong reason why they kept all the huge rocks around it to hide it from us." Yoongi says and they get startled when they hear some faint voices.
"Quick! Let's hide behind this building." Yoongi says and they hide from the voices. Taehyung peeps to take a look at the Perfects that are approaching the abandoned building.

"...we took away all the important things from here. There are only some books and manuals inside. We have copies of those with us so, we need not take these away. But let's take a final look inside to make sure." One of them says to the other two and they open the lock. Taehyung observes that the box from which the keys are taken out has the name 'Abandoned mould' written on it.
He whispers it to Yoongi and looks at the Perfects but they have already entered the building.
"What is a mould?" Taehyung asks the others but they seem to have no idea. "Mould... mould... I think I've heard this word." Yoongi says and thinks deep. "Right! It was the word given to the cylindrical containers that make the people." The others snap their heads to look at Yoongi.
"W-what? The machines used to create us?"
"Yeah, the similar ones to those that have created us... I think." Yoongi shrugs.
"Why is it here??" Hoseok asks but none of them have an answer. They sit in silence for a few more minutes after which they hear the Perfects walk out of building.

"... we need to lock it and keep these keys safe. But the Lord's ordered us to keep the keys out of anyone's reach and put it carefully back in our lab." One of them says and locks the door. The group of Glitchers wait for them to walk back into the hill, and then come to entrance of abandoned building.

Yoongi breaks the silence, "We should enter this and see if there is anything helpful for us."
"We need the keys to enter it. The Perfects have the key and they are ordered to keep it very safe." Hoseok reminds him.
"I know that. I have heard it along with you. But I'm determined to go inside. It may give us a lot information." Yoongi insists.
"Yeah, but hyung, what if the information is of no use to us?" Taehyung asks Yoongi, thinking that this ordeal may not be of any use, especially when their safety is at a stake.
"Taehyung, they mentioned that there are some books and manuals inside the building. There is a lot of information there. It may be useful to us... it may not be useful to us. We won't know that until we get to read the books. So, I won't stop before I read those books." Yoongi firmly expresses his determination in reading the books.
"Hyung, how will we do it? We need the keys but getting it from the Perfects' lab may be very tough. You'll get beaten again if you go anywhere near them. You already have a lot bruises and open wounds. It is better if you keep away from them." Taehyung pleads him.
"Any of you have a better idea?" Yoongi disregards his pleads and asks impatiently.
The others remain quiet.
"So, let me deal with it my way. I have a plan... it may work in our benefit. We may know a lot of secrets that are kept away from us. We can strive for our freedom. But I need your help for that. We should work as a team just like Hoseok said. So, we should stick to one decision from now... that is, if you want to..." Yoongi hesitates, looking at Jungkook and Hoseok.
"I'm in!" Jungkook says right away.

They look at Hoseok expectantly as he takes a deep sigh, "I um... okay! I'm in. We get the keys, go inside, read those books, manuals and then part our ways."
"Okay!" Yoongi nods.
"Also, I don't owe you any money. We are even! I gave you the information regarding this-"
"Yeah, we are even." Yoongi gives a dismissive wave and they walk out of the hill carefully, holding each other's hands like before. The light has decreased now, making it a little difficult for them to cross the huge rocky hill through the same way that they entered previously. As they exit the rocks, they peek to see if the surroundings are clear and run away from that place quickly.
After they reach to the cave in Ruby town, Hoseok asks the others, "So, what's the plan?"
Yoongi clears his throat, getting their attention towards him, "About that, Jungkook, tomorrow morning hand me over to the Perfects..."

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