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(Sam's pov)

When we woke up the next morning the sun was shining through the windows, and we were making breakfast.

I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder. He smiled and continued to mix the pancakes. Once they were being poured into the pan he turned around and leaned against the island.

He was standing there in just my t-shirt and underwear, I told myself I was gonna wait until later to ask him this, but i decided this was the best time to do it.

"Hey baby, can I talk to you?" I asked in a serious voice.

"Yeah. Of course. What's up daddy?"he said crossing his arms.

There were cameras around the house in case anyone broke in and for filming this moment.

"So I have really been thinking and I'm thinking of buying this place." I said.

"Oh."he said leaning against the island more.

"But" I said lifting him on the counter "I do t want it to be just us." And no I don't mean the friends because we do have to move out soon." I said holing his waist.

"What are you-" he gave me a confused look.

"Baby..." I said laughing. "I have known you for years. You are my best friend, my boyfriend, my baby, my cutie, my everything...you're my whole world. I can't imagine spending my life without you. I want to have a bunch of mini Elton and Corey's running around." I laughed a bit and he giggled with tears. "Baby...I want to start a family with you." I said looking down a bit then looking in his eyes.

"Oh my God...yes." he said kissing me.

"But to start a real family I need to do this first." I said pulling a box out of my pocket  and getting down on one knee.

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