chapter 6

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      Aalieyah's POV 

I finally arrived at tiffenys place and i have to admit it was pretty big.

I knocked on the door and tiff answered really quickly. When she saw me her face lit up and dragged me inside. Once we sat down on the couch, she started asking me a million questions. I could only answer one that caught me off guard the question was "Are you ever gonna get back together with mitch?" I said "I-I don't know" "Remember about a week ago he tried to kill himself because of me" i said

Then she started crying and i asked "what's wrong?" She said "Kelly tried to break you and mitch up that's the girl who kissed mitch."

When she said that my heart broke but, i had to call mitch and i did. He picked up and started saying a million things but, i stopped him.

I told him about everything and the kelly things. After that he was speechless and then i heard him crying and i told him i'll be right over.

When i got over there I definatly wish I hadn't

Sorry 4 the cliffhanger but hey don't like it fight me irl bro

anyways -Luv Aalieyah

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