Love sucks never trust it

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     Aalieyah's POV 

So yesterday mitch asked me to be his girlfriend i said yes. Now i regret saying yes. Here's why.

So today adam and them wanted to throw a party so they did. I was staying sober so i could drive home. Mitch was soo drunk though.

When i came from the kitchen i saw the worst thing possible. I saw mitch making out with my best friend kelly. (i believe sorry if i'm wrong) I started crying right there then mitch turned around.

He started saying "aalieyah i'm sorry i didn't mea- and i cut him off i said "I hate you Mitchell Huges never talk to me again." I stormed out the building and ran away. I heard people screming my name but, i didn't care i just kept running picking up speed with every step.

I finally stopped and called my friend tiffeny and asked if i could stay for awhile.

(Here's the convo T tiffeny A aalieyah)

T: Aalieyah are you ok?

A: Yeah i'm fine

T: are you sure you sound like you've been crying

A: Yeah i'm sure just never trust love that's all

T: Never trust love why? what happned?

A: Never trust love cause guys are stupid and mitch happened we broke up

T: I'm so sorry when I see that bitch he's dead

A; whatever see ya soon bye

T: bye girly

-luv aalieyah

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