Chapter 8

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Percy's P.O.V

       After lunch Annabeth, Luke, Hazel, and I went to our next class together, which was science. When we got there the teacher got me to introduce myself to the class, like in every other class. But this teacher seemed nice enough, he let me sit next to Annabeth since she's the one showing me around the school and what not. When there was about 5 minutes left in class I got a text, and I groaned knowing who it was, since he was the only one who would ever text me, my step-father. I waited for Annabeth to turn in our papers to take out my phone and read the text and i said 'Be home no later than 4;30 a teacher emailed saying you would be staying after school for an activity, and pick up some beer on the way, I'm having some friends over tonight' I sighed and responded 'Ok, but I can't get beer, I'm not old enough' not a second later he responded 'Well figure it out brain-boy, or I'm gonna have to teach you another lesson when you get home'. I shivered thinking about the night before and the 'lesson' he gave me, and put my phone away. I can't wait to go home!

Time Skip

        After science ended I had literature with Annabeth, Seline, Jason, Nico, Thalia, and Luke. When we got there Annabeth told me the teachers name was Mr.Blofis, and I started to laugh thinking she said blowfish, so that was a fun time. When class started he had me introduce myself to the class, for the 5th time today. I honestly didn't even pay attention during the class, cause I have dyslexia and it just doesn't make any sense. When the final bell rang to go home at 3:00 Annabeth and I went to our lockers to get all our stuff and then we went to the field to meet up with everyone. I was actually really excited for this, but I was mainly afraid that I'd screw it up, so here goes nothing.

       "Hey man, you ready?" Jason asked me while all the boys were going onto the field. "I just hope I don't screw up." I replied honestly, he looked at me and patted my shoulder "You'll be fine dude, just trust yourself" he said seriously, "Thanks man," I said gratefully. "Ok so Beck, Frank,and the Stolls will be on one team, while me, Jason, Will, and Percy are on the other." Luke said and everyone nodded accepting the teams. "Well kick off first" Beck said going to the other side of the field. Connor kicked the ball, and it came to me, of course it HAD to come to me, shit. I caught the ball and started running up field, and Travis tried to tackle me, but i did a spin move and dodged him, and then Travis dived at me trying to tackle me and I jumped over him, continuing to go down field, then out of nowhere Frank came a tackled me down hard. And let me tell you it hurt like shit. "Dude that was an amazing run!" Luke exclaimed while Frank helped me get up, and I nodded to him in thanks. After that play the game was actually really fun, I had some really good runs and catches, and in the end we won, and I made up my mind, "Alright, that was actually really fun, I'll be here tomorrow." I said excited to try out. "YES!!" they all screamed "We really need you man, what you did today for your first time ever playing it was amazing, your gonna do great, I can already tell." Beck said proudly. "Thanks man" I said as all the girls came down to meet us. "Hey, let's go to the cafe" Piper suggested and everyone agreed, but then I remember that I had to be home at 4:30, and asked Annabeth for the time and she said it was 4:15. I paled, I only had fifteen minutes to get home? Where we really playing for that long? Well shit, I'm dead, I thought as I got my stuff from the bleachers. " I told my mom I'd be back by 4:30, so I should get going" I said in a hurry. When I looked back at them nodded with understanding, except for Annabeth, she looked disappointed, and I hated seeing her disappointed because of something i did so I said, "But how about this," I say looking directly at Annabeth "I'll be there next time, ok?" I finished still looking at her, and she smiles at me and says "Ok, next time it is then.". "Do you need a ride?" Luke asked, "Nah man, I'm good I'll just walk, but thanks. See you guys tomorrow." I said to them as a finished gathering all my things and left.

Time Skip

      When I got to my apartment building, I checked my phone and it was 4:32, shit I'm late. When I finally got to my apartment I could already smell the cigarette smoke, when I opened the door I saw my step-dad Gabe at the poker table with his new poker buddies. When he saw me come in he furiously said "Your late" then he got up and came toward me, when he got to me he punched me in the stomach and asked "Where's my beer?" and then when I got back up he punched me again, "I... told you -cough- I can't get beer... I'm not old enough" I responded as calm as possible while trying to catch my breath at the same time. He got his pocket knife out and slashed my chest, and I wanted to cry out in pain, but I knew it would only make things worse for me, so I bit my tongue. He slashed my chest again, and said "I thought I told you to figure it out, boy!". He picked me up by the shirt and threw across the room, and told me to stay there until he told me I could leave.

     I stayed in that spot for two hours while they played poker and threw empty beer bottles at me, and two hit my head and shattered on it, so I now have glass in my hair, YAY. When Gabe told me to clean all the blood and beer bottles then to go to my room, and not come out of it for the rest of the day, I happily obliged. When I got to my room I decided to do my homework, cause if I'm gonna be on the football team, I gotta have good grades so might as well try. After about an hour and a half of homework, I went to the bathroom to take a shower, and when the water hit my chest I let out a small whimper of pain, but then bit my tongue for the rest of the time. When I got out of the shower I looked into the mirror and saw my chest... It had three new cuts that were pretty deep and my stomach and rib area was already bruised badly. At around 9;00 I was exhausted and just crashed into my bed thinking, about how I wish Gabe wasn't in my life, how I wish I saw my mom today, and how I was actually excited to go to school tomorrow, huh, such a weird feeling, I thought as I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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