Chapter 6

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    Percy's P.O.V

         After I introduced myself to everyone, the guy named Frank asked me where I moved from, "Uh, I just moved here from Nebraska over the weekend." I stated somewhat nervously. "Why'd you move?" Hazel asked innocently, "My step-dad lost his job, and got one here so..." I replied "Oh, that sucks man," Frank said with sympathy. But before I could respond the teacher rolled into the classroom (he's in a wheelchair) and said, "All right students, settle down, I believe we have a new student?" he finished looking directly at me, I stood up and cautiously said "Yeah, my names Perseus Jackson, but everyone just calls me Percy". "Well Percy it's nice to meet you, now let's get on with today's lesson."

Time skip

        After class was over I had gym, my only class without Annabeth so she told me how to get there, and luckily I got there on time!!!! Woohoo for me!!! Anyway, when I got to gym the coach looked at me and said "Looks like we got ourselves a new cupcake, cupcake's" then he walked over to me and told me to go to the boys locker room to change. When I got into the locker room everyone was done changing except for one kid. I walked over to the locker given to me and changed, after I changed i realized that the kid changing was waiting for me. When he saw me he said "Hey, I'm Luke I know your new here and I saw you hanging out with Annabeth, so I thought I'd introduce myself." I look at him a little confused and he said "I'm friends with Annabeth, and I'm dating her best friend." I let a little sigh of relief go when I heard he was dating Thalia, and said "Hey, I'm Percy... So what exactly are we supposed to be doing in this class?". He grinned and said "Were going out to the track to run some laps" I grinned back and said "Nice, I love running". Luke looked at me grinning and said "You and I are going to get along just fine".

         When we get to the track the coach is telling everyone that we have to run 1 miles for the class today, "And we're going to have races!" he finished excitedly. "Alright first group running is Luke, Matt, Nathan, and... Percy" I looked at him with wide eyes, and Luke just patted my back and wished me luck. We all lined up ready for the race waiting for the coach to count down, 3... 2... 1, I started running as fast as I could and started going faster and faster. I didn't realize I had already finished 3 laps and was really far ahead of everyone else, I finished my 4th lap breathing heavily while Luke and the other 2 guys were still on their 3rd lap, and the coach comes over and says "Dang cupcake!! That's the fastest I've ever seen anyone run, you need to come try out for the football team tomorrow!" Luke ran up and heard what coach Hedge said, and then looked at Percy "Yeah dude we could really use a running back, you definitely have to come try out tomorrow" I look at them for a second "Ok i'll come out tomorrow to try out" I said with a lot of uncertainty in my voice. On our way back to the locker rooms to change I can't help but smile a little about what just happened, and how I've made more friends in one day than I've ever made in my entire life and it's only 3rd period!!! The days only half way over.After waiting for everyone to change I change so no one will see all my scars, and when I leave the locker room, I see Luke waiting for me and I smile at him, and we walk to the cafeteria.All I can think about on the way to lunch is how today has probably been one of the best and most eventful days I've ever had and wonder what else could happen today.

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