Mission 6

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((Due to doing everything chapter 2 missions at a time, we're at mission 10 and 11. Woooo!))
Lady had finally finished off the remaining demons, reloading her guns in stylish moves as she did so. She began to head up the stairs into the tower,

"Welcome back..."
Vergil, Arkham and Serephina walked toward yet another locked door, Arkham continuing to lecture about the tower.

"Soon, we will reach the layer of judgement. Temen-Ni-Gru will finally regain its full function and lead us to the demon world. The world where Sparda's power has been sealed." Serephina looked at Vergil, now unsure when he was going to kill Arkham. "And the one who will lift the incantation is you, his own son. It must be fate." The ground began to shake as the door unlocked and open for them. Arkham gestured for them to walk in front of him, and they did.

"Go on ahead, Serephina." Vergil commanded, to which the angel listened. He turned back toward Arkham, "Does that woman really bother you?" Vergil asked, referring to Arkham's daughter.

"What are you talking about?!" Arkham asked, a tone of offense in his voice. Vergil could sense his shift in motives but also loyalty. He never liked the man anyway.

"Why didn't you kill her? Perhaps because she's your daughter? Did some pesky fatherly love get in your way?" Says the man who will, in a mere 20 years from now, do the same for his child. 

"That's none of your-" and with that, Arkham was impaled with the Yamato.

"To further you're study of the black arts, you sacrificed your loving wife, to become a devil as well. Knowing this, I thought you'd be more useful to me, but I was wrong." Vergil stated, digging the Yamato further into his stomach. "No wonder your attainment for power is incomplete." Vergil scolded,

"What about you? You're an incomplete being as well. Both demon and human blood mingle in your veins, and you yourself have not sacrificed your attachments."

"Shut up!" Was all Vergil had to reply with as he ripped the katana out and put it back in his holder, Arkham falling dead. "Now that the final door is open... I have no use for you." He said, walking to join his wife.

Little to his knowledge, Serephina was listening... would she be sacrificed in his pursuit of power...?
Dante took the mast from its alter like place left the cavern. Back in the water room, the duo figured out how to raise a pathway. This brought them to the next key item, the neo-generator. After many killed demons and spiders later, they got back to the rotating bridge. The girl looked and pointed to a hole in the wall on the other side, Dante nodded and began to bounce the generator on his foot like a soccer ball. This caused the girl to panic, as if he'd break it. He kicked it toward the hole stylishly and it went in. The girl looked on awe because.. wow that worked.  They both stepped back onto the platform as the bridges moved and connected, once the movement was finished, they crossed back over. There was a dead body-

A gunshot rang out as a bullet wizzed past both their heads.

"Well that was quick." Dante commented as they turned to see Lady. The girl was confused, then remembered her from earlier. Lady looked at the dead body, for a seemingly long amount of time. Almost as if he mattered to her.

"That man.. did you kill him?" She asked,

"So what if I did?" Dante asked snakily, to receive Lady trying to shoot him. He began to dodge her bullets and the girl just moved to the side because this was not her problem. Lady continued to try to shoot him but was deflected at every take, shooting out the ceiling glass at one point. "Ooo I love a fast woman~" he cooed, which caused the girl in the corner to become confused. Lady told Dante to shut up, moving away and trying to shoot him again, starting to give exposition as Dante just effortlessly dodged her in her anger.

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