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Vergil panted, having been fighting the prince of Darkness for quite some time now. He had taken Serephina and trapped her in a crystal ball. Vergil was doing everything he could to defeat the most powerful demon and save her, so he could set her free and get her out. Things were not going according to plan, he needed to get her out for the sake of their children... He couldn't let him know about the kids. The three red eyes glowed, watching Vergil.

"If my father did it, I should be able to do it too!" Vergil cried as he ran toward him, anger and protectiveness filling him. He needed to win...
Two months had passed since Temen-Ni-Gru. Lady was staying in the motel, seeing as there was still demon business in town. Dante had got his shop fixed up and Ivey was staying with him in the meantime.

"The price for your crimes is your son and your daughter." A deep menacing voice called out to Dante. Everything was dark, except for the three glowing red eyes that he thought the voice came from. The sentence shook him to his core as he awoke in a cold sweat. It was still night, the shine from the moon dimly lighting the small bedroom. He didn't usually sleep because of the nightmares, but Ivey requested that he did after they finished copulating. He panted, looking around the room and turning his head to the side to see she was still there, sleeping in his arms... safe and sound. He remembered the conversation they had right before doing it, about how they wanted to try to have a family, and that they were going to try. This nightmare was probably to just scare him away, but the seed had already been planted, he hoped. Maybe this was just him trying to cope for losing his entire family, he didn't know... He could feel her shift, probably woken up by his fidgets. She opened her eyes and looked up at him.

"Dante...?" She asked in a soft, sleepy tone. He sighed and nuzzled her neck,

"Go back to sleep, doll. I just had a bad dream." She shook her head, wrapping her arms around him, holding him,

"Wanna talk about it?" Ivey asked, petting Dante's head. Her English was getting better, than again, he was working on it with her for two months. She continued to pet until she felt a sharp pain in her neck. Dante wasn't sure what came over him, but he felt the need to do this. He bit deep into her back, sucking and biting. He probably could've tore the skin clean off if he wanted to. He didn't though. He dug his teeth in, only stopping once he tasted blood. He pulled away, looking at the mark he had made. It was a giant bruise with blood, but it also symbolized mate-ship. Looking at Ivey, he kissed her lips softly. She whimpered a little into the kiss, causing him to pull back.

"Dante... that's mate mark.." She whimpered, looking up at him. He pulled her against him and smiled,

"I know. I mean.. we are mates aren't we?" She nodded softly, nuzzling into his chest,

"Think it worked..?" She asked, shuddering at the cold. The blanket was originally covering her but the movement had caused it to fall.

"We'll have to wait and see, anyway go back to sleep. Lady's taking us out tomorrow, remember?" He said, moving the blanket back up and petting her head softly as they both drifted back to sleep.

A month later, Lady walked into the shop again and sighed, seeing Ivey curled up in the couch in a ball. She turned to Dante.

"She can't stay here."

"What do you mean?" Dante asked, defensively.

"It's November, Dante. Winter's gonna be bad this year and she'll die! She can't stay here for her own safety." Lady lectured, pointing at the older girl. Dante rolled his eyes and sighed,

"Fine.. I'll figure something out." He said. He knew Lady was right and he couldn't risk the life of Ivey... or the kid she bore. Lady told Dante what she originally wanted to, which was a job out of town that they should go on, he agreed to meet her and then she left. He went back to reading his magazine until a voice caught his attention,

Devil May Cry 3; RemasteredWhere stories live. Discover now