Mission 2

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((Before anyone asks, the prologue was technically mission 1))

As he Kicked the doors off the hinges, Dante walked out of the shop to see nothing but demons. He pressed on and turned back at his new shop, with horror.

"Damn it! You guys totally wreaked my shop! And I haven't even named it yet!" He cried, knowing not only would fixing it be a shitload of money, but the loan he got just to buy it wasn't even paid off yet. How would he explain this to the bank! "You're gonna pay for that." He growled, throwing his sword up to get his coat on, grabbing the sword precisely at the right time. Sadly all the movement kicked up debris and he sneeze, which somehow made his whole shop cave in. He looked back in more horror as he watched his new home collapse. He turned back to the demons, "I hope you all have enough to cover all this!" He yelled as he ran toward the demons, slicing them in half. This was a good anger release for him.

In the mist of his work, however, the ground began to shake. Figuring this was no earthquake, Dante looked around to see a humongous tower rise from the ground. Atop this tower he could see his brother, with two other people he didn't know.

"It's been nearly a year since we last met... where does the time go?" He spoke, looking at his brother, who he could tell was looking back at him. One demon he was fighting suddenly got up and ran away, he tried to shoot it but it didn't work, as it was a phantom like demon. He sighed and watched as it laughed away. He decided to follow, heading toward the tower. "No doubt you've got some fun planned for me... right Vergil?!" He shouted, heading toward the strip club. He knew his way around the town and knew there was two exits, one of which would get him passed the roadblock. The only reason he knew the layout of the strip club though was because he had gone in there multiple times, sometimes to catch his business manager Enzo, other times for his own enjoyment. While he couldn't drink, he could see the dancers. Too broke to afford them though...

Vergil stood atop the tower as the old man walked toward him.

"Arkham." Vergil stated, not looking toward the man. In the mist of their travels to erect the tower, Vergil had learned the mans name.

"Well? Doesn't it excite you? The Temen-Ni-Gru has revived, the great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the human world and the demon world. Isn't it a magnificent view? The greatest minds of their time-" Arkham asked, or stated, Vergil couldn't tell because of the lecture Arkham was giving as he spoke and just decided to tune him out. Vergil knew the history of the tower and the lesson did not mean anything to him right now. Arkham continued to talk, and Vergil finally had enough.

"That's none of my concern. Did he have it?" He asked, referring to Dante's amulet.

"Of course. He's taking good care of it. After all, it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost." Arkham stated as Vergil looked down at the amulet he was given, remembering the day his mother died, and how she saved Dante but left him to fend for himself. She abandoned him.

"But he has no idea of its true power." Vergil sneered, thinking his brother a fool. The demon that ran for, Dante suddenly stopped at Vergil's feet, screaming in his face. As Vergil walked away, it followed. He had enough of it and disassembled the demon. He took the lady's hand and continued to walk away.

Arkham looked down at the ground below the tower. Little did he know, a lady was looking up at him through binoculars.

"I found it..." she muttered to herself as demons came up behind her. She noticed this and reeved her motorcycle engine, releasing a burst of flame which killed the demons. She road off toward the top of the tower.
Dante had an easy time getting into the tower, as it was not heavily guarded except for some low level demons. He walked into an icebox it seemed, as the room was cold and covered in ice, a giant ice Cerberus blocking the main door. It was chained to the wall but almost hit Dante with an ice shard. He chopped it in half as the dog cried,

"Leave now, mortal! The likes of you are forbidden in this land! You who are powerless are not worthy to set foot here!" Dante disregarded everything the Cerberus said though, seeing as it didn't apply to him.

"Woooww I've never seen a talking mutt before! You know, in a dog show, you'd defiantly take first place!" He joked, which angered the pup. He dodged a icy attack and looked back toward the pet. "Easy Fido, how about I take you for a walk? Cmon puppy, let's go!" He continued, loving how angry the demon mutt got at him. The dog yelled that he would regret this and he just got ready to fight, "It's showtime."

The weak spot were the heads, but they could not be reached at the moment, so Dante went for the legs, hitting them until the dog fell. He jumped and began to slice away at all the heads until only one head remained and there was enough damage done to send the dog flying back.

"You are not human, are you?" The dog asked as Dante shrugged,

"Who knows! I'm not even sure myself!" The truth was he did know, but didn't know if there was a word for it besides human/demon hybrid. When he was younger, he never knew his dad was a demon, but he knew now. In his internal thoughts, Dante missed the fact that the dog gave up its souls to him. He grabbed the glowing orb, which promptly turned into a pair of three-pronged nunchucks. He decided to try them out, swinging them around and trying a bunch of different combos, some of which made him look a little dumb. He remarks how it was too easy for him to get a grasp on the weapon, but he didn't mind. As he walked toward the exit, a motorcycle flew through the window and landed on him, almost. He jumped up and dodged, looking back toward the driver.

"Are you going to the party? What's the hurry? Didn't you get the invitation?" He asked the woman, who didn't reply. She only shot a rocket at him, which he jumped on and rode around till he crashed it into the wall. Landing on his feet, he looked back toward the woman who drove towards him, almost running him over. In this, a feature of hers caught his eye; she had heterochromatic eyes.

"This just keeps getting better and better!" He said sarcastically as he looked out the window the lady exited from. Then, he pressed on.
It was night now, Vergil, Arkham, and the lady stood atop the tower.

"Looks like we have uninvited guests." Vergil stayed, bringing Arkham and the lady out of what they were doing.

"Is that so?" Arkham asked, going back to his reading.

"A human, a woman. And a demon." Vergil stated, the lady going over and grabbing his arm almost if asking if he was serious. Arkham stood, closing his book,

"I'm afraid I should ask the uninvited ones to leave. That is what you want. Actually I happen to be acquainted with that woman." He said as he walked away, Vergil looking back at him when he mentioned something about a storm approaching. Once they were alone, Vergil took his attention to the woman on his arm.

"Do not worry, this will not change anything." He said, seeing the worry in her eyes. Her only response was to hug him, which shocked him. Knowing they were alone though, he decided to show some compassion and wrap his arms around her. "You should rest, Serephina. It's going to be a long journey once it begins." He stated, she looked up at him and solemnly nodded. She pulled away and sat down where Arkham once sat, relaxing.

"I hope they're both okay..." she whispered, referring to the two children they had, one of which was just a year prior. Vergil turned to her and gave a soft smile, which was completely unlike him.

"Don't worry... once I have enough power, we'll go back for them." A smile was brought to her pale face, as she laid back and rested.

((Someone is going to ask about the dad thing with Dante. If you read the novel "before the nightmare" or a sparknotes version like I did, it mentions Dante learning to fight from Vergil, him not knowing his dad was a demon or the legend of Sparda, and barely having memories with his dad. It also mentions in 5 that Vergil thought Eva abandoned him and favored Dante. Just thought I should explain that.))

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