Turn my cherry out

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*a few weeks later*
Faith's p.o.v
Bey's house
18:00 pm

"Mom, i have something to tell you..." I said nervously.

"What's up?" 

"Well I think I'm ready.... how would you say it?..... for Kayden to turn my cherry out." I started laughing, her facial expression was priceless. She shouldn't leave her music lying around where kids can reach it.

"Are you serious?"

"Yh, we've been together since high school, I really love him and he's never pushed me to do anything I don't wanna do and he loves and respects my body and I love and respect his."

"Are you 100% sure you want this?"

"Yes mom, I thought about it and I'm ready"

"Ok be safe"

"Wait... that's it, just ok"

"Well Yh, it's your body and you're of age, y'all both clean because we checked that so you all good, just please use protection and if you change your mind tell him, okay"

"I will mom, thank you"

"Here" she handed me a condom and some pills.

"And you have these why?"

"Girl, just because I'm not into guys doesn't mean one of y'all wouldn't be"

"Thank you mom, I love how we can talk about anything with you judging me"

"Girl don't forget I'm your sister before your mother, we only 2 years apart, so if you ever feel like you can't tell "mom" anything remember you can tell beybey" we laughed at her old nickname that I had for her.

You know it's amazing having an older sister as your mom, it really helps sometimes.

"You know I used to hate that my older sister was my mom, I never understood why I didn't have one. All the girls had their moms and I didn't but now I appreciate it more than anything, you've done a lot for me, not every mom will take a bullet for their child, I mean some say they would but you're the only one that has actually proved that, thank you for everything"

"You're growing up, you've learnt so much from me, and you've blossomed into a beautiful young woman and one day you'll be an amazing mother, better than me but not soon, I can't have anyone calling me grandma yet, no way" I laughed.

"Oh I couldn't have got through this without you" we wiped our tears and I hugged my mom, she's the reason I'm still here.

"Okay Okay enough of this sappy love stuff, let's talk you and Kayden but as sisters not mother and daughter."

"Okay well first let's start on how fine he is, girl you know he has a six pack."

"Girl of course, you see how he works out, if he keep it up he gon have an eight pack like me and I can't let that happen, na uh"

We talked off into the night till Kayden came to pick me up at 10 since I was spending the night at his. I said goodbye to my mom and siblings and we got in his car and went to his apartment.

Kayden's apartment

We were cuddled up on his couch watching poetic justice.

He had his arm around me rubbing on my ass and I had my head on his chest listening to heart beat.

He looked down at me and kissed me, I leaned up to deepen the kiss, he licked my lips asking for entrance. I slowly parted them allowing him in. Our tongues wrestled back and forth as I heard his breathing pick up. His hands ran up and down my waist till he slid them to my ass and rested them their.

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