I hope she's okay

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As we waited for our turn on stage, a man came in the room with a bag of Popeyes and a drink in his hand. Paris got up and ran to him.

P:"babyyyyy!" We all laughed and awwed as she hugged and kissed him.

I study his face for a bit before realising who he was. He looked at me confusingly. I doubt he remembered me.

I looked away. Getting up I walked into the back room to try and calm myself down.

I really hope it isn't him and that he's just someone that looks like him.



Paris came in the back with her boyfriend walking behind her.

She pulled me off to the side.

P:"I'm I don't wanna start no trouble or anything but my boyfriend said that you where staring at him for a bit. Why?"

B:"I know, I'm sorry. He just looks like some one from my past and I was hoping it wasn't him and just some one that looks like him."

P:"oh sorry. What was the guys name?"

B:" i can't really remember. I think it was Cameron or something like that"

Paris' eyes widened.

P:"his name is Cameron. Cameron come here"

He walked over to us, looking confused.

C:"Yh babe"

P:"do you recognise her at all?" Paris asked pointing at me.

C:"umm" he stared at me for a long time.

C:"i think so. But I remember a younger version of her though"

It was him.

B:"do you remember any one called Mathew?"



C:"Yh I do. I hated that son of a bitch. Excuse my language"

I immediately embraced him in a tight hug. He didn't hug back for a bit but I felt Paris glare at him, making him hug back.

B:"sorry, i just thought I'd never see you again"

C:"Im confused"


B:"oh sorry. Basically Cameron used to work with my dad, Mathew, and one day he saved me from him so I helped him escape but I never got to thank him"

P:"but you said you hope it wasn't him"

B:"Yh because I don't want my dad to find out he's still around"

C:"he's still mad that I saved you?"

B:"I think he's forgotten about it but if he saw you he probably would remember"

P:"wait I'm confused, why is he mad that Cameron saved you?"

Just as I was about to explain, another stripper Amanda came in.

A:"hey sorry to break up the party but it's your turn on stage"

B:"ok sorry we will be there in a second"

A:"ok" she left the room and I turned back to Paris.

B:"I'll explain to you after. Let's go"


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