15 // Across America

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AN: Soooo... Its been a while hasn't it? I thought people would have lost interest by not but nope, there are still people reading, commenting and encouraging me to continue so THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Anyhoo, heres a tiny little chapter, a bit fluffy, I hope you enjoy!! :D

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The next few weeks went fairly smoothly, there were a couple of problems with the gear here and there, but nothing too hard to fix. The mid tour break was soon approaching, but before their week off, the band was due in Europe for a festival. Lucy had been getting along with the band and the crew well. She felt as if she had been a part of the crew forever, they shared inside jokes and she often found herself looking at cat videos on the internet with Kyle, or discussing films with Dan. Speaking of Dan, he and Lucy had become quite close for the little amount of time that they had known each other. There were numerous awkward moments that both Lucy and Dan were used to by now, although that didn't stop Dan profusely apologising when they accidentally brushed up against each other in the narrow walkways of the tour bus or Lucy blushing when Dan would compliment her. Nor did it prevent Kyle from implying that there was something between them, even when it was only in a teasing way, in fact, it actually encouraged him.

About a week after the tour started, all the jet lag and travelling had begun to catch up on Lucy. One night she found herself in the back lounge of the bus putting the last final touches on the first tour video she was editing. She only had a few more clips to tidy up and some captions to add and then she could finally crawl into her bunk for the night. The rest of the guys had already headed off to get some sleep. Lucy's eyes flickered over to the corner of her screen, reading the time and seeing it was 01:42am. This prompted a yawn from Lucy as she went back to her editing. Suddenly the door to the back lounge slid open, the glow from Lucy's laptop illuminating the dark room and revealing a very sleepy Dan with a bottle of water in the doorway.

"Jesus Daniel!" Lucy gasped, flinching in her seat, grabbing a nearby pillow and hitting him in the arm with it as he sat down next to her. "You scared the crap out of me!"

"I think I'm going to make it my thing" he mumbled as he leaned over, his head resting slighly on her shoulder as he watched what she was doing, the mess of hair on the top of his head tickling her jaw. "You can do this tomorrow can't you?"

"I've just got captions to add, it wont take long"

"So you're basically done then?" Dan asked, turning slightly to look at her

"Yeap, I suppose you want an early sneak peek?" Dan nodded eagerly, slightly more awake now "Okay just let me... Right, here you go" Lucy pulled her headphones out and handed them to Dan as he shuffled closer and took the laptop from her, putting it on his own lap so he could see properly. Lucy reached over and pressed play before sinking back into her seat leaning slightly on Dan's shoulder, her eyes already beginning to drop shut.

"Lucy that video was great, I can't wait to-" He paused when he saw Lucy curled up on her seat beside him, eyes shut, a peaceful expression on her face "Luce?" Dan took her laptop and gently put it on the table along with her headphones.

Slowly moving to the side Dan let Lucy lie down before standing up himself, he grabbed a spare blanket and pillow from a pile in the corner of the room, the ones that they would often bundle themselves up in when they all piled into the back lounge to watch a film. He gently lifted Lucys head and put the pillow under her before tossing the blanket over her. 

Dan picked up his bottle of water from where he had placed it on the coffee table and headed for the door. He hesitated before pressing the button to open the door, turning around to see Lucy now fast asleep on the couch, she had bunched the blankets up in her fists and tucked them under her chin. He smiled at the adorable sight as a warm feeling crept up his chest. He hesitated for a moment more before taking a few steps back over to Lucy and placing a soft kiss on her forehead, whispering an almost silent "Night Luce" before heading back to his bunk.

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