16 // Festivals

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"So this is Hungary?" Lucy asked as she stuck her head out of the tour bus before bouncing down the stairs after the rest of the crew. They had arrived from America last night and clambered into the bus in the hopes of getting a few hours sleep while they were driven to the festival grounds overnight. They had awoken around mid morning and the festival was now well underway. The sound of a very excited crowd could be heard in the distance along with the faint thumping of a beat.

As the group left the artist area there were more and more people floating around. Eventually they found themselves at the edge of a crowd. Lucy closely followed Sam as her and the boys began to push themselves through in a line. She was swamped by people and with her height she didn't want to risk getting left behind or lost. It wasn't like she hadn't been at a festival before, but she wasn't exactly as experienced in this environment as the rest of the boys were, nor did she even know where she was or where she was going. "So where are we heading to again?" She asked, bouncing up onto her tip toes in an attempt to see over the crowd.

"We're scouting out the food, but Sam and Coop needed to go check something first" Dan answered from behind her, resting a hand on her upper arm and leaning down so he wouldn't have to shout. Lucy nodded in reply, conscious of the fact that Dan had left his hand on her arm as they continued to push through the crowd.

Eventually they made it to their destination, they showed their passes which hung around their necks to a security guard before climbing up some makeshift stairs into the sound engineers area. Sam and Coop immediately started chatting with one of the organisers while Lucy and the other guys stood at the front of the tent with a great view of the festival stage where James Bay was playing.

They managed to catch a couple of a songs but before they knew it they were heading into the massive crowd again.

"I really want a burrito" Kyle muttered to himself, ahead of the rest of the group, leading the way to the food area "I'm gonna get a burrito, who's a with me!" he continued much louder and more excitedly as he threw his arms in the air.

"How disappointed is he gonna be if there isn't any burritos?" Lucy questioned, watching Kyle gradually pull away from the group.

"Verge of tears?" Dan shrugged, looking down at Lucy with a straight face before they both burst into laughter, Dan bending over forward, an arm holding onto Lucy's shoulder as he did so, before they managed to compose themselves and tried to figure out what direction Kyle went in.

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The day went on and Lucy and the band were currently standing in a small gap in the crowd watching as The Wombats played onstage, Sam and Coop had disappeared again, presumably to organise something for Bastille's set the next day.

Lucy unfortunately wasn't quite tall enough to see the stage above everyone's heads, so she had to keep bouncing around, trying to find a gap to see through.Thinking she heard someone mention her name, Lucy turned around to find the guys huddled around and in what seemed like a deep conversation, she caught Dan's eyes briefly and he hurriedly slapped his band mates on the arms. Before she knew it she was grabbed by all angles and lifted off the ground, she let out a yelp and reached out to grab something. That something happened to be someones mass of hair as she felt herself being elevated further off the ground.

"OH MY GOD. DAN. PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" Lucy squealed, her voice twice as high as it is normally. She found herself on Dan's shoulders as she clung to Dan's head, her hands tightly gripping fist fulls of his hair. The people surrounding them turned and gave them a glare before turning back to the stage as the guys burst into laughter at Lucy's reaction.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2015 ⏰

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