10 // Rhythm of The Night

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It didn't take long for Lucy to make her way to the main doors of the venue. As she pushed on the bars of the large glass door she was meet with the cool evening air.

"Are you part of the crew?" a large security guard who was standing by the door asked, trying to take a look at the badge she had around her neck.

"Yeah..." she replied as she held in the lanyard so he could properly see it "... I just popped out to do some filming" she continued gesturing to her camera. The guard nodded and went back to looking like a statue, hands clasped in front of him, a stony expression on his face.

Lucy walked out and stood close to the road on the edge of the pavement. Woah, her eyes widened as she saw the queue for the gig. It ran along the side of the building, and the next building, then around the corner of the block. Holy shit, this gig has got to be sold out Lucy thought to herself, she couldn't believe it, she knew Bastille were relatively well known back home in the UK but this was America.

She turned her camera on and made sure it was focused properly as she began walking down the pavement, camera pointed to those in the line. A couple of young girls near the front of the line spotted Lucy with her camera a gave a cheer. This set off a chain reaction, as Lucy moved down the queue everyone gave a cheer. People held up signs, others held up posters and photos. A couple of girls even held up a stuffed toy cat which made Lucy laugh as she assumed it was a gift for Kyle.

She finally got to the end of the line and turned around to go back up. Still filming the queue. When she got back to the front of the line she found out that tonight's gig was indeed sold out. She quickly got some footage of the Sold Out sign and ducked back into the venue, making a mental note that she should probably grab her cardigan, a sleeveless shirt probably wasn't the wisest choice of clothing, although the temperature was quite a bit warmer than it would have been back home.

Lucy checked her phone on the way back to the greenroom, she had about seven minutes before doors open. Taking one last right down the corridor to the greenroom, Lucy could hear a deep humming noise. She slowed her steps as she approached the room and listened as she gently opened the door. None of the boys noticed as Lucy snuck into the room. They were all doing their voice warm ups filling the room with a vibrating drone.

"Sounds good boys" Lucy piped up as she lifted her camera from around her neck. The guys all abruptly stopped their warmups and turned to face Lucy.

"Why thank you dear Lucy" Will said in a very proper voice.

"My pleasure Mr. Farquarson" Lucy replied, tilting her head to the side and doing a small curtsy.

"Are there many people out there?" Kyle asked, as Lucy grabbed her laptop and took a seat between Will and Woody.

"Well..." Lucy started as she took the memory card out of her camera and put it into her laptop. "You can see for yourself" She clicked a couple of buttons before opening one of the videos she had just taken. She leant forward and put her laptop on the coffee table so everyone could see before turning up the volume and clicking play. The screen came to life as the footage she had taken of the queue outside began to play.

The four members of Bastille then proceeded to exchange a variety of oh my god's and fuckin' hell's. Lucy just sat back and enjoyed watching their expressions as they viewed the video, she began to giggle as Kyle got more and more excited.

"They even have signs!, THEY HAVE A CAT!" He pointed to the screen, one hand over his mouth.

"This is mental" Dan quietly said from the back, slowly shaking his head, a look of disbelief on his face.

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During the soundcheck Dan was quite reserved, standing relatively still at his piano as he sung. So when Lucy saw him perform infront of a group of people, bouncing around on stage like a kangaroo on a coffee high, it was natural for her to be pleasantly surprised at the transformation. After getting over Dans stage presence Lucy remembered she had a job to do and began filming. She mostly concentrated on the crowd, filming them singing along to songs and holding up signs.

Lucy was now stood at the back of the stage next to Woody's drum kit while Dan stood front and center, perched on top of a speaker, he had paused between two songs to give a little bit of a speech.

"At one point during the song I'm gonna shout: everybody get down! And that is your cue, if you could be bothered to all get down" he jumped down from the speaker to demonstrate his point "not in a kinky way" he added as an afterthought, causing Lucy to make quite the loud outburst from the back of the stage. Dan must have heard her because he turned around to face her, a laugh breaking out of his smile as he saw her covering her mouth with one hand and holding her camera with the other.

"Wink wink, nudge nudge aye Lucy?" Woody said with a smirk as he leaned away from the microphone and over towards Lucy so she could hear him.

"You what Wood?" Lucy asked as she tried to compose herself, not being able to hear him properly over the crowd. He just shook his head in response, a smirk on his face as he counted in the beginning of the song.

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AN: Hey guys I just wanted to say thank you for all the reads and votes and comments. When I started writing this fic I never imagined it to get the attention it has gotten so Thank You!

Also I was wondering what your favourite parts of the tour videos are so if you could comment that would be awesome :) Thank you once again, the new chapter will be up as soon as I can find some time between school assignments!

// littlemadme :)

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