07 // Morning Sun

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The next morning, Lucy was up at her normal time. She sat up in bed and listened for any noises around the hotel room but couldnt hear anything. She began to contemplate staying in bed for a few more minutes sleep but decided against it, knowing it probably wouldnt help the jet lag she had yet to face.

Throwing back her covers Lucy padded into the ensuit bathroom and jumped into the shower. She was in there for much longer than usual, not having had a decent shower since she left London. She managed to find her usual shampoo and body wash when they stopped by the supermarket last night so there was nothing stopping her from going through her normal routine. As her skin started to feel overly soft and wrinkled, she reluctantly got out, wrapped a towel around herself and towel dried her hair before walking back into her room to figure out what she was going to wear today. She finally settled on her black high waisted skinny jeans and a sleeveless red plaid shirt which tied at the front. Putting her chelsea boots aside for later, Lucy tossed her wet hair over one shoulder, she would let it air-dry for now, not wanting to wake anyone up with the noise of a hairdryer.

Gently opening the door to her room and making her way downstairs to the main area of the hotel room, Lucy was careful not to wake anyone. She wandered into the kitchen and filled the electric kettle with hot water, grabbing a mug whilst it boiled.

"Morning Luce" a tired voice murmured mid-yawn from behind her, she spun around in shock holding the mug above her head ready to attack the person who had chosen to sneak up on her.

"Jesus Dan" Lucy said with relief, lowering the mug "You scared me. Can I get you anything?" she noticed that he was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and an old white wrinkled Psyco shirt.

"Sorry, and yes please, tea would be wicked" he replied, leaning on the bench and scratching his head, fluffing up his hair. "Why are you up so early anyway?"

"I just like to get up when the sun goes up I guess. Things to do places to see, life's too short to waste sleeping" Lucy rambled away as she made herself a hot chocolate and Dan a tea. "Sugar?" she asked turning to him. Dan was looking at Lucy, a slight smile on his face. He had only known her her for three days yet she always seemed to be smiling and he admired her seemingly optimistic attitude towards life. "Dan?"

"Hmm? Sorry I'm still half asleep" Dan quickly covered, realising he had been staring at Lucy. He felt a blush slowly creeping up his neck as Lucy repeated her question while she turned around to retrieve the milk from the fridge. "Just two please" he hoped she didn't notice him staring again as she stirred his tea, careful not to clink the teaspoon against the side of the mug. She handed him his tea and they headed out onto the balcony which was connected to the lounge of the unit.

They sat out there in the morning sun, not really talking, just enjoying each others company and observing what was around them. Lucy would notice that Dan occasionally would take his phone out of his pocket and disappear inside for a few minutes, then come back as if nothing ever happened.

"Four." Lucy stated quietly as Dan once again returned from one of his mysterious trips inside.


"That was the fourth time you've done that"

Oh shit  "Done what?" Dan questioned as he felt his face heat up, a give away to Lucy that he actually knew exactly what she was talking about. He was hoping she wouldnt notice, or for her to just dismiss it.

He risked looking over at Lucy to find her staring at him with a smile before she let out a quiet laugh. "So tell me, are you a super spy? or...?" Fading away the end of her sentence allowing Dan to continue.

"I was just umm, you know..." Dan paused, racking is brain for any way out of the situation but failing to come up with anything. "Singing into my phone" he finally mumbled.

"You what?" Lucy asked cheekily, a light tone to her voice, she was just winding him up but began to feel bad as she realised he was genuinly embarrased by this.

"I sing into my phone when I find inspiration, its- its just so I don't forget about it later" he quickly said under his breath, looking down at his feet. He left out the part where Lucy sitting in the morning sun was in fact his inspiration. He suddenly wished he had put on his shoes so he could fiddle with the laces to stop his mind from overthinking the situation. A small silence fell between them as Dan waited for Lucy's response. He felt her eyes on him and was almost positive that she was smiling.

"To tell you the truth I'm kinda dissapointed you aren't a spy"

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AN: Just a quick little filler chapter. I haven't written anything like this before so let me know what you thought and I hope you're all enjoying this so far! :)

// littlemadme

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