13 // Hangover Central

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The next morning began with Sam making his way through the sleeping area of the bus and pulling everyones curtains open, filling the bus with moans from the residents.

"Saaaaaaam" Lucy mumbed, pulling her blanket over her eyes and tighter around her body, blocking out the cool morning air rushing in from the skylight Sam had opened. If this was hell for her, she didn't even want to begin to think about how the other guys were feeling. She assumed that they would all have hang-overs, not to mention jet-lag and just general tiredness.

"Come on, everybody up!" Sam said, clapping his hands, shaking everyone as he passed by their bunks again "We need to get this gear packed up and on the road. You have a show in San Fransisco tomorrow. Lets go!" His voice gradually faded away as he made is way through the lounge of the bus and outside.

Lucy let out a sigh and rolled out of her bunk, landing unsteadily on her feet. She rubbed her eyes before trying to adjust to her surroundings. She spotted Woody standing in the aisle with his back to her, arms in the air, stretching. Will was perched on the edge of his bunk, his head in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Hearing a thump and a groan, Lucy turned around to see a wayward arm wave around the outside of a bunk of a bunk, searching for something to grab, before the rest of the body followed. Lucy quietly laughed as Dan ungracefully wobbled out, one hand on his head, the other on the opposite wall of the aisle, holding himself up.

"I'm guessing you hit your head again?" Lucy questioned, a smile on her face.

"Again?" Dan looked mildly confused, a small frown spreading across his forehead.

"Last night, you tried to take your shoes off and smashed your head on the roof of your bunk"

Dan nodded in response and run his hand through his mass of hair. "God, how much did I drink last night? My head is pounding" he mumbled

"A few too many apparently, you were all pretty out of it" Lucy answered, looking around at Woody and Will, who both looked like they also had a pounding hangover.

"Coffee. I need coffee" Will stated as he stood up, stumbling slightly as he squeezed past Lucy and Dan, followed by Woody.

"I'm guessing Kyle didn't make it to his bunk then?" Dan said guesturing to Kyles bunk, which was still neat and untouched.

"He was passed out on the couch in the front lounge when we-" Lucy was cut off by a yawn, she quickly bought a hand up to her mouth as Dan chucked quietly at her slight embarassment "-got in last night. Sorry, I think that jet lag might be catching up on me. Do you not remember passing him on the way in?" she began to wonder if Dan had remembered what he said to her last night. She knew it had been nothing, but it put her at ease to know that the boys or at least Dan, liked her being around.

"All I remember is sitting extremely close to you at the pub" a small smile made an appearance on Dans face as he looked at his still socked feet, heat creeping up ath back of his neck as he remembered exactly how close they were sitting last night. Also the conversation about the cherry stick "but after that nothing."

Lucy suddenly became aware of the fact that she was still in her pajamas. She nodded and tugged at the collar of her shirt, pulling it up so it no longer hung off one shoulder as it always did. Quickly turning around, Lucy grabbed her jeans and a shirt from her suitcase. She shuffled past Dan, mumbling a quiet Excuse me and into the bathroom.

In the bathroom Lucy began giving herself a pep talk. She didn't understand why she was being awkward around Dan. Maybe it was what he said last night. She shook the thought out of her head, spashing some water on her face to properly wake her up. She left her hair down, giving it a quick brush with her fingers and after changing out of her pajamas, into her pair of jeans and the shirt she had randomly grabbed (a loose fitting striped tank top) Lucy slipped out of the bathroom and back into the now empty bunk area. She put her clothes away and grabbed a dark grey coloured cardigan before making her way into the front lounge.

Lucy was meet with four tired faces. Woody and Kyle were sitting on the couch with Will and Dan at the small table. Spotting Lucy, Dan held up a mug that was sitting infront of him on the table.

"Hot chocolate right?" he asked, a little unsure of himself.

"Yeah thats me" Lucy smiled as she took the mug from him thanking him in the process"You remembered."

"I did" he replied simply as he took a sip from his coffee.

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AN: I feel so bad for making you guys wait so long. I've just been so bogged down with school and exams I didn't have anytime to write.  After this chapter I think I'm going to start skipping to later on in the tour, just to get the fic moving along a bit more. So yeah, let me know what you think. So sorry about the lack of updates, but I am still here :) I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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