Chapter 21: The Rose And Her Mercenary

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Third Person POV

Y/N carried Ruby through the entrance of the academy as many of the students gasped at them.

???: It's her.
One said as she looked at the scarred and bruised Ruby.

???: Shit. I didn't know she'll be recovered.
A boy said as he looked at Ruby as she nuzzled her head against the crook of his neck.

???: RUBY!?
They heard a yell.

Ruby slowly turned her head and saw Yang looking at her with tears in her eyes. Seeing all the pain she's been through, Ruby slowly turned her head back to Y/N.

Before Ruby could do anything, Yang brought her into a hug as she sobs loudly.

Yang: R-R-Ruby. I-I-I-I
She struggled to finish as Ruby looked at her with shocked in her eyes.

Yang looks at her with her red puffy eyes as Ruby looked back at her with her dulled silver eyes. 

She yells as she sobs into Ruby's shoulder, hugging her tightly.

Yang: F-F-F-For everything. 
She sobs loudly. 

Tears flowing down her cheeks, Ruby slowly brought her into a hug as everyone watched. Before long Blake, Weiss, Pyrrha, Ren, and Nora brought her into a hug. Y/N stood there as he smiled, seeing that she was being loved by the others. 

Ruby slowly let go of Yang as she looked at him. 

Ruby: Come here Y/N. 
She said as Yang looked at him. 

Y/N slowly walked over to him as Ruby brought him into a kiss in front of everyone. Ruby wrapped her arms around his neck as Y/N wrapped his around her waist. As the two stood there, Raven and Hades appeared behind them as they smiled. 

Raven: I'm glad you've helped her. 
She said as she looked to Hades. 

Hades: I didn't help him. I merely eliminated an obstacle. 
He said as he looks at his "son". 

Raven: And without him, she would not be here. 
She said as she looked at Ruby. Her smile as she held Y/N's hand. 

Hades nods as Death-Gun opens a portal and walks through. 

Raven: Where are you going? 

Hades: To my daughter. 
He said and goes through the portal. 

As Y/N stood with Ruby, her team and Nora looked down as he looked at them. 

WBY/Nora: We're sorry for hurting you Ruby. 
They said with sorrow in their voices. 

WBY/Nora: We're so sorry. 
They said with hurt in their eyes. 

Feeling tears running down her cheeks, Ruby brought them all into a hug as they hugged back. 

Ruby: I forgive you all. 
She said as she looked at them. 

WBY and Nora smiled as Pyrrha hugs her back. Ruby slowly backs out of the hug and looks at Y/n. 

Ruby: Let's go Y/N. 
She said with a smile. 

Y/N nods and carries her to their room. 

Ruby: I love you Y/N/ L/N. 
She said and kisses his cheek. 

Y/N: I love you too Ruby Rose. 

Time-Skip 2 weeks later 

Y/N was standing in a room as he was taking off his armor before putting it on the display. Along side his sister's, Olivia. 

As he was putting his armor away, Hades came into the room

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As he was putting his armor away, Hades came into the room. 

Hades: I see you're putting your armor away. 
He said as he looks at him. 

Y/N nods as he puts the armor away, the door slowly closing it behind him. 

Y/N: I miss her too. 
He said as he looks at Hades with tears in his eyes. 

Hades: I miss her too. 
He said as he puts his hand on her 

Y/N: If I was only stronger. 
He said as he had tears running down his cheek. 

Hades: Olivia wouldn't be happy if she saw you die either Y/N. 
He said as he stands with him. 

Y/N sighs as he packs his bags and walks out towards the door of the room. 

Hades: Y/N.
He said to him. 

Y/N turns to look at him. 

Hades: Whenever you two need something, Black Coffin will be there for you. 

Y/N: Thank you commander. 
He said before leaving the room, leaving his armor behind with his "father". 

Time-Skip 8 months later 

It's been 8 months since the events. Ruby's abduction. Olivia's death. Salem's death. Currently Y/N stood in a hospital room as he looked at Ruby while she held a baby in her arms. 

Doctor: Congratulations Mr L/N! 
He said and pat his back before sitting by Ruby as she held their baby. 

Ruby: It's girl babe. What should we name her? 
She asked as she looked at him. 

Y/N: Olivia. 

Ruby: Olivia Rose/L/N. 
She said as she smiled. 

Y/N smiled and sat by her before kissing her. 

Y/N: I love you Ruby Rose. 

Ruby: I love you too Y/N L/N. 

Here is chapter 21 of ABUSED BROKEN Rose X Male Reader! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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