Chapter 9: Attempted End

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Third Person POV 

It's been a few days since Y/N defended Ruby. Ever since then, Ruby has stuck close to Pyrrha, Y/N, Skarlet, and Olivia. Currently Ruby is sitting with Pyrrha since Y/N, Skarlet, and Olivia had to do something. 

To Pyrrha and Ruby 

Pyrrha and Ruby were sitting at a table eating their food. Ruby was slowly eating her food, thinking about him. The boy that has befriended her. Y/N. 

Pyrrha: Ruby. You know you have to eat. 

Ruby: I just miss him. 
She said, thinking about Y/N. 

Pyrrha: He said he'll come back Ruby. 

Ruby: I know. I-Just want to be w-w-with him. H-H-He. 
She struggles to say as tears start to stream down her face. Pyrrha got up and brought her into a hug. Ruby started to sob into her friend's shoulder as Pyrrha held her close. As Pyrrha was holding her close, she was suddenly flung off of Ruby. Ruby fell onto the floor as Pyrrha fell to the floor. Ruby looked up and saw Cardin standing above her. As Cardin stared at her, she slowly backed up in fear. 

Cardin: Hello you little bitch! 
He yelled as he smacked Ruby across the face. 

Pyrrha: RUBY! 
She yelled as she got up, reaching for her friend. As Pyrrha was going to Ruby, she was held down by Jaune, Russel, and Dove. 

Cardin approached the little rose as she stared back in fear, trying to crawl away. 

Cardin: I'm going to beat you like the little bitch you are!
He yelled. He punched her across the face. Ruby fell onto the floor as she held her face in pain. 

He yelled as he continued to beat down on Ruby. 

Pyrrha: RUBY! 
She yelled as Ruby was continuously being beaten on. Cardin continuously beaten on Ruby until he stopped, leaving cuts across Ruby's frail body. Jaune, Dove, and Russel let go of Pyrrha and she rushes to Ruby. Jaune pulls out his sword and slowly approaches Ruby. Pyrrha looked at him with tears of anger and used her semblance, sending him away. Pyrrha quickly grabs Ruby and runs to Y/N's dorm. 

Pyrrha: Ruby. You're going to be okay. 
She said as she ran, carrying the beaten Ruby. Ruby had her eyes closed as Pyrrha frantically ran to the dorm. Pyrrha set Ruby on the bed and saw she was bleeding. Pyrrha went into the kitchen and searched for bandages. 

Pyrrha: Where are the bandages.! 
She yelled to herself, looking for the bandages. 

Ruby's POV 

Why do they beat me? Why do they do this to me? Yang abandoned me. Tai abused me. Qrow doesn't care about me. Everyone else here doesn't care about me. Y/N isn't here with me. He's just like the others, he will leave me. 

???: Ruby? 

I looked to the side and I saw Pyrrha bandaging my arm. She wrapped my arms with the bandage, prevent myself from bleeding. 

Pyrrha: H-How are you feeling? 
She asked holding my hand. 


Pyrrha: W-Want me to get food? 


Pyrrha: I'll be back then. 
She said walking out of the room. I watched her leave the room, as I felt nothing but pain. I felt nothing but pain. 

"Maybe the world would be better without me." 
I said to myself, crying. I slowly got up and walked into the kitchen. I looked around and saw a knife. I slowly reached out for it as many painful memories and thoughts flashed through my mind. Being blamed for my mom's death. Being beaten on by my peers. Even my own team. 

I grabbed the knife and lined it up with my wrist. 


I slashed my wrists as blood dripped from my wrist. I fell to the floor as a puddle of blood started forming under me. I felt myself losing the strength to stay awake. I felt my pain going away. 


BOOM! Here is chapter 9 of ABUSED BROKEN ROSE X Male Reader RWBY! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

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