Chapter 12

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Yo ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N): "Oh you've got to be kidding me."

(Y/N) and Est along with the ORC Club were standing in front of the sealed room which was now open and inside was the second bishop of Rias's peerage. It's safe to say, the person inside the room was nothing-like a certain vampire who had the power to stop time.

 It's safe to say, the person inside the room was nothing-like a certain vampire who had the power to stop time

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Y/N): "He's the one who has the power to stop time!?"

???: "Uwah! I'm sorry!" (You have no idea, how much cringe I'm suffering through, just by writing this)

Issei: *perverted face* "Hoh! Hoh! Prez! Why didnt you tell me that we had such a pretty girl in our peerage!"

Rias: "He's a guy, Issei."

Issei: "Huh!?"

(Y/N): *muttering* "If I hadn't researched about every being in this universe, I might've believed that he was a girl."

Est: (-_-;)・・・

Rias: "Hi! Gasper! You can come out now!"

Gasper: "I don't want to!"

Koneko: "Come on, Gasper."

Gasper: "No!"

Issei: "I can't believe I thought he was a girl!" *world shatters*

(Y/N): "Who in hell made him wear those clothes!?"

Gasper: "Uwah! I'm sorry!" (End me now!)

Issei then goes to grab Gasper to force him out of the room, but as soon as he touches Gasper, time stops as the only ones who can move are Gasper, (Y/N) and Est. (Y/N) sees Gasper move from one corner of the room to the other and his reaction is something like this.

 (Y/N) sees Gasper move from one corner of the room to the other and his reaction is something like this

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Y/N): 'I should punch my self for having my expectations high.'

After Gasper reached the corner, he turned away from everyone and time resumed.

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