Chapter 7

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Yo. ✌🏼

Third Person POV

(Y/N) and Est had gotten back from their 'annual purge' yesterday and they had gone to sleep so that they could wake up early to get to school.

Le Timeskip

(Y/N) and Est were on their way to school with a comfortable silence between the two. When they reached school they noticed that Issei was missing and Asia didn't talk to them and that she had a broken aura around her.

(Y/N): 'What's with Asia all of a sudden? Is it because we left? No, she would be happy. There was also that rating game, right? Oh, so they lost, huh? Idiotic weakness. Just because they lost their first game. *sighs* well then I have to cheer them up, so that they can get stronger.'

After school (Y/N) and Est met up with Asia and asked her about the game. She said that they were winning at the start of the game, but Riser had started beating Issei to the brink of death, forcing Rias to surrender. Asia then started crying with (Y/N) comforting her.

Asia: *crying* "It isn't fair! They had more people than us and they hurt Issei so much! If only I wasn't so weak!"

(Y/N): "It's alright Asia, bishops help the other pieces so it wasn't you who was weak" 'though you must have been pathetic, if you lost to that fried chicken' "It was them, they used dirty tricks to win, so don't cry. Ill fix this for you."

Asia: *sniffles* "You will?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I will. Think of this as an apology for not watching you guys train, okay?"

Asia: "Okay. . . ."

(Y/N): "Great! Now go to Issei and take care of him."

Asia: "Okay! Thanks (Y/N)!"

(Y/N): "You're welcome."

Asia then left and (Y/N) and Est go to their house.

Est: "We're going there?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'll have to reveal a little about myself, won't I?"

Est: "Yeah, so you're going to reveal that you're half demon?"

(Y/N): "I'll just say that I'm a demon, no need to reveal that I'm also The king of dragons."

Est: "Okay. So when are we going?"

(Y/N): "In 2 hours, Rias may be in a problem, but that's her problem, I'll take my time. Besides, I'm hungry."

Est: "Of course."

The Return of The Timeskip

In the underworld, a party was being taken place in a ballroom, for the celebration of Riser's win and his engagement. On the other hand, it was the complete opposite for Rias and her peerage. They all had a gloomy aura, but her peerage hadn't lost hope, they knew that Issei would come to rescue Rias, so they waited. And as they had thought, Issei did come and he challenged Riser to a duel and he accepted.

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