Chapter 2

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(Sorry for the wait, I was brainstorming, I'll update within a week)

Third Person POV

(Y/N) has been flying with Est on his back towards a cluster of energy which (Y/N) had sensed a few hours ago.

Est: Hey (Y/N)?
(Y/N): What is it?
Est: Are we there yet?
(Y/N): No, we're not.
Est: But you said we would reach there in a few hours.
(Y/N): We're almost there, just wait a few more minutes.
Est: ............Hey (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Hmmm?
Est: ..........Are we there yet?
(Y/N): *Sigh* Est if you don't stop this, I won't give you any chocolate.
Immediately Est straightened up and didn't say another word for the whole trip.


(Y/N) and Est finally reached their destination where they sensed the cluster of energy.

Est: Where are we?
(Y/N): I don't know, what does it say on that board?
Est: It says Ku- Ku- Kuah City?
(Y/N): No Est, it says Kuoh City.
Est: *Pouts* They should change the name.
(Y/N): *Chuckles* Don't let it get to you, I'll get you chocolate.
Immediately Est brightens up.
Est: Okay!
(Y/N): Now before they notice us, we should conceal our aura.
(Y/N) then transforms from his Dragon form to his Human form.

(Y/N) then transforms from his Dragon form to his Human form

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(Y/N): Well then, shall we?
Est: We shall.


(Y/N)'s and Est's search for the energy leads them to a highschool called 'Kuoh Academy' where they set up their base at an abandoned house near the academy.

Est: This place is a bit dusty.
(Y/N): I agree but we can just clean it up using our magic.

And so they clean everything up in just a matter of minutes though due to them travelling from a long trip was a little tiring for them.

Est: *yawns* (Y/N), I'm tired.
(Y/N): *Chuckles* I can see that, it must have been a bit exhausting considering we have been in hibernation for quite a while. You can go to sleep, I created some beds for you in the room at the far left.
Est: What about you?
(Y/N): I'm going to search a little bit, don't worry, I'll be back in a few minutes.
Est: Okay, but don't take too long.
(Y/N): Don't worry, I won't.

And (Y/N) leaves and goes towards Kuoh Academy.

(Y/N): Hmm, a bit too prestigious for my liking, but if it was made by one of the factions, I guess this is what they would build.

(Y/N): Hmm, a bit too prestigious for my liking, but if it was made by one of the factions, I guess this is what they would build

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(The students aren't there and it's night time)

(Y/N): Well then, let's see if they can find me.

(Y/N) then releases some of his aura that covered the whole city, the humans couldn't have detected it, but this wasn't the same for the devils.

Rias POV

What just happened!? We were peacefully sleeping when a murderous aura awoke me and I'm sure at least Akeno must have also sensed it.

Rias: What is going on!?

Akeno then came rushing towards Rias's room and flung the door open.

Akeno: Rias tell me you felt that!
Rias: Of course I felt it! There is no way anything couldn't have sensed that aura!

But as she said that, their gaze lowers towards the pervert known as Issei who is sleeping, though not as peacefully as he was before.

Rias: We should check it out, maybe something happened, did you locate where did it come from?
Akeno: Yes, though it came from the school, though it felt like the aura was taunting us.
Rias: Come on, let's go.

Third Person POV

Both Rias and Akeno reached at their school, though no one was there.

Rias: Do you see anyone?
Akeno: No, but the aura came from this exact point.
Rias: Let's split up, we can search more faster.
Akeno: Okay but be safe, we don't know if the one who the aura belongs to could be still here.
Rias: Same to you, we'll meet back here in 10 minutes.

But their suspicions were right, since (Y/N) was watching them from a rooftop of a high building.

(Y/N): So it was the devils, and the Gremory clan no less, this might just be entertaining, I'll wait until they find me, a game of hide and seek won't hurt much.

And he goes back to his house and lies down with Est as he drifts of to sleep.
Meanwhile Rias and Akeno can't find a trace of the potential 'intruder'.

Rias: Where could he go!?
Akeno: I don't know Rias but I don't think he will be able to hide for long.
Rias: I hope so. Let's head back, we can deal with this another time.
Akeno: Alright.

And both of the devils leave, without having any idea of what or who they will face.

(And done! A good wrap, don't ya think, I'll try to update every week, till then, see ya!)

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