Nightmares or just old memories?

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If there's anything that Lloyd hates, it's nightmares. Nightmares that will haunt you forever in life. Most people just shrug it off, not really caring for the nightmares. Lloyd, however, is a whole different story. He mostly always had nightmares back at Darkly's. It was quite rare for him just to have one good night sleep. The nightmares were so bad, he'd stayed awake at night, but the next day, he'll be so tired. If you're thinking: "Nightmares aren't that bad!" Oh, you are so wrong!

It's one thing having nightmares. But having a nightmare that includes your most haunting memories? Good luck with that...


Lloyd was asleep on the couch, he looked quite innocent sleeping. But, one moment, he's peacefully sleeping, and the next, he's tossing and turning.

Fortunately for Morro, he didn't feel Lloyd tossing and turning since Lloyd is practically going through him.

Lloyd is murmuring in his sleep, tossing and turning many times. His nightmares have gotten worse.


"Let me go!!" a young Lloyd screamed at an adult that was dragging him to somewhere. But Lloyd knew it very well. Lloyd's heart raced as he saw the most haunting thing that, in his mind, could ever be: The Closet. Now, you might think: "How is a closet scary?" Well, for your information, this closet is very small. Three people can't even fit in there. And it's also super dark. And, well, most of the boys at Darkly's hate small spaces or hate the dark. Especially Lloyd. He hates them both so much. And, The Closet, doesn't help at all.

Lloyd gets thrown inside, and the door quickly shuts and locks. Lloyd quickly stands up and tries to open the door, but can't. "Let me out!" he yells.

Lloyd starts to bang on the door with his fists. "LET ME OUT!" he yelled again, but only hears cruel laughter.

He hits the door with his fists again. "LET ME OUT!!!" Lloyd starts to sob. "PLEASE!!"

He gives up and sits down on a corner. He sobs as he brings his legs close to his chest and hugs them. He hates The Closet. It's too small in his mind, and, it feels like he's gonna be squished.

* * *

Lloyd was grabbed by his left arm and was being dragged once again.

Aside from The Closet, he's also scared of the next most scariest thing in his mind: Torture Chamber. And as much as it's sounds worse than The Closet, it's not that bad, but it's still bad at the same time.

The Torture Chamber is much more bigger than The Closet, and there is light there. But, there are a lot of weapons there that can make a kid feel very uncomfortable. And for Lloyd, back at Darkly's, the sight of a weapon made him flinch.

Lloyd tried his hardest to grab onto something to prevent from being dragged all the way to the Torture Chamber, but couldn't find anything to hold onto. He heard the sound of doors opening, and he panicked a lot. His heart was beating fast.

He, once again, was thrown inside, and the doors were shut and locked. Lloyd looked around frantically. At least the room was bigger than The Closet, and it had light. Lloyd relaxed a little, thinking that it wouldn't be so bad in there.

But, at the sight of the weapons, he had a mini anxiety attack. His heart was racing, his breaths became short gasps, and he felt quite dizzy. He quickly looked away from the weapons, and tried to calm himself down. He could beat this, all he had to do was not look at the weapons.

He sat on a corner, putting his head against the wall, his breath slowly coming back. It wasn't as bad as The Closet. It wasn't small and there was light. So he could beat this whole thing, but, the weapons were the only trouble.

Weapons flashed in his mind. The small boy trembled.

"Stop..." he whispered to himself. More weapons just flashed in his mind. "Stop it!"

Other bad memories came into mind, making him want to break down, crying.



"Lloyd! Wake up!"

Lloyd bolted up, which made him fall from the couch.

Lloyd looked around everywhere. He then felt a hand on his shoulder, which made him jump and quickly turn around, while closing his eyes tight, waiting for an impact of some type.

"Lloyd! Calm down! It's me!"

Lloyd opened his eyes to be face-to-face with Morro.

"Morro?" Lloyd said in a whisper.

Morro's face looked concerned. "Are you okay? You seemed like you were having a nightmare," Morro said.

Lloyd froze. He hasn't told Morro about his nightmares. And he wasn't planning on telling him anytime.

"Uh, n-no, I'm fine," Lloyd lied. Morro looked at him suspiciously. He obviously didn't believe Lloyd, but decided to let it slide.

"Alright then..." Morro said. "By the way, the others are awake, they're in the kitchen. They're waiting for you."

"Uh...I-I'll be right there! Just give me a moment! You can go ahead!" Lloyd said. Morro stared at him for a long time before hesitantly leaving.

Lloyd sighed in relief, but had the tiniest bit of regret of not telling Morro about his nightmares. He wanted to tell someone about his nightmares, but he thought that they would make fun of him for still being scared of nightmares. So, he never told anyone. But every time, his regret builds up, and it makes him feel horrible.

Lloyd bit his lip, before deciding to join the others in the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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