Story time~

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Cole sat down next Jay, Nya on the other side of Jay, Kai sat next to Nya, and Zane sat next to Kai. Lloyd, meanwhile, decided to sit to the side of where Morro was floating. (Does that even make sense? XD)

"Alright, where do I start?" Morro said to himself.

"Start from the very beginning!" Lloyd exclaimed.

"Alright! Alright!" Morro said, chuckling a bit at Lloyd's childish behavior.

"So this started years ago, and you guys already know that I met Lloyd at Darkly's," Morro started off.

* * *

It was five years ago when Morro had sweared to ptoctect Lloyd at any cost, even if it kills him.

So, we all know when Lloyd first saw Morro, he fainted, and then the next day, introductions were made! Yay...

So let's continue it where it left off!

~Previously~ (You could skip the flashback if you want XD)

"....ho are you?"

Morro got woken up by a voice.

"Did I sleep that long?" Morro asked himself as he stretched only to realize that he had stayed over-night at the boys room.

"Hello?" a small voice said.

Morro turned around to see the small boy again. But now, he could see the boys color eyes. They were green, like his, but the boys green eyes had a lighter color than his.

"Who are you?" the boy asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know," Morro snarled.

"Yes, I wanna know. What even are you? Your glowing green, see-through, and floating," the boy stated.

"Look kid, it's none of your business. So let it go, I'm not telling you anything," Morro said, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, come on, see-through-glowing-floating thing!" the boy remarked.

"You did not just call me a 'thing!'" Morro yelled.

"I did. Just please tell me your name," the boy pleaded, putting on a sad face.

Morro took noticed of the small boy's face.

"No!- Maybe...- Fine! I'm Morro. You pipsqueak?" Morro remarked.

"I'm Lloyd. Lloyd Garmadon," the boy, Lloyd, said.

"Well, this day is gonna be interesting," Morro muttered.

~now let's continue from that part~ (Hello again for those who skipped the little flashback thing!)

Lloyd has recently left his room and off to, whatever, as Morro called it. He didn't know what urged him to stay, but stayed he did.

He was floating around the small, as he observed, room. He didn't think much at this moment. He was bored. That's all.

He groaned in boredom as he laid down on the bed. He thought of what to do. Nothing seemed to cross his mind. Nothing at all.

He blowed his black bangs out of his face before deciding to mess around in this boredom of hell, as he called it.

He phased through the wall and looked around the hall way. No one was there.... So that was good!

He wanted to mess around with people, but since there was no one around, he might as well sneak into random rooms and put spiders in their beds.

He made sure no one was around and floated to the nearest room and phased through the door. No one was there so this was the perfect time to ruin everything.

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