17) this is war

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“What the flack????” I demanded. “Do you have every girl’s number?””

“No.” said Harry. “I don’t have yours.”

“Well, you’re not getting it.” I said flatly.

“Kayla, you’re always so mean!” Harry complained.

“Sorry. I’ll try and turn my ‘nice’ on next time you’re around.”

He grinned. “I hope you nice isn’t anything like you drunk!”

“Wait. What do you mean me drunk?” I asked. “YOU’VE NEVER SEEN ME DRUNK!”

“I’ve seen you sugar drunk.”

“When was I sugar drunk?” I ask. “I don’t remember being sugar drunk!”

A grin slowly spread across his face. “You don’t remember?”

 “What happened?” I asked. “What did I say? Did I do anything?”

“I will never tell.”  Harry says with a slow smile.

“Harry!” I said, grabbing him by his collar. “TELL. ME.”

“You thought you where a fairy ballerina.” Said Zayn matter-of-a factly.

I what?!?”

“Anyway, back to Dallas.” Said Niall quickly.

“Ah, yes.” Harry said, hitting the call button.

“HAROLD EDWARD STYLES!” I said, jumping up, trying to reach his phone but he held it above his head. Damn it, I wished I was taller. “YOU GIVE ME THAT PHONE, YOU POO HEAD!” I screamed.

And then I stopped. Because there was a voice coming out of the phone.

It was Stella’s voice.

“Hey Stella.” Said Harry cheerily. “How are you?”

“I’m fine. Thanks.” Said Stella suspicously. “What about you?”

“Oh I’m good. Kayla’s great.” Said Harry casually. “She’s been talking about you a lot-“

“Harry!” I said angrily.

“And Dallas.”

“Dallas?” Stella asked, sounding confused.

“Oh yeah. She talks about him looooads.”

“Harry! Give me the bloody phone!”

“Is that Kayla?” Stella asked.

“Yes! Sorry about Harry.” I said quickly. “He’s stolen the phone from me.”

“Babe, you had this coming.” Said Harry sweetly.  “Anyway, I was thinking Stella… maybe you and I should go out sometime.”

“You’re not my-“

“No really.” Harry said. “I insist. Oooh! I know! Why don’t we go on a double date with Kayla and Dallas???”

“But-“ I began.

“Um, Ok.” Stella said, I could tell she felt kind of awkward.

“GREAT!” Harry said energetically. “We’ll see you at Hoyts, tommorow at six. Bye.”

“B-“ Stella baegan.

Harry clicked end. “Well that settels it.”

“Settels what?” I asked.  “The end of this torture?”

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