13) "I must defend the lady!"

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So surgery went well (: But now I have to go to physio, which sucks

X Gwen





Our lips met and for a brief, fluttering second I forgot everything, and then I heard the camera lady coo, and I felt my blood rush to my face, and I knew I must be blushing like crazy. I broke away, to see Louis as red as I, and his eyes were on the floor.

“I…” I began. “I’ve got to.. I um, I’ve got to go somewhere.” I jump out of Louis’s arms and walk/run all the way out the studio. As I walk outside, I see a concrete footpath, and a photo shoot being set up, with a pool and a bunch of models in bikini’s.

“Kayla!” Louis calls, and I can hear his footsteps pattering on the concrete.

I turn around and frown. “Louis? What are you doing here?”

“I.. Uh.. I have no idea.” He admits, running his fingers through his hair. “Are you ok? You ran out of there pretty quickly.”

“It’s just, a girl’s first kiss-“ a girls first kiss is supposed to be with her boyfriend, with someone who cares about her. “I’m fine.” I say quickly, but my voice is surprisingly high.

“Really?” Louis asks, stepping forward. “Are you-“

“I’m fine.” I snap, my eyes narrowing. “I. Am. Fine.”

He rolls his eyes. “This is so you. To get all angry and judgemental about a thing that only happened for three seconds.”

“Like you’re not angry! You’re angry all the time!”

“No, I’m-“

“Yes, You are. You act cocky, and stuck up, and quiet all the time. You never talk to me, and I don’t know what I’ve done, but I feel like you don’t like me!”

“Well that’s kind of hard, with you being sarcastic and vicious all the time.” He says quietly.

“What the flack did I do? Seriously? You owe me that.”

“I DON’T OWE YOU ANYTHING.” He says angrily and loudly. “You, You made me lose-“

“You’re girlfriend?” I ask, my hands on my hips.

“Eleanor.” He says quietly. “Her name was Eleanor.”

“We’ll you should have explained to El that we’re not dating.” I spat his girlfriend’s name out angrily. “Because it’s not like you have feelings for me! It’s not like I have feelings for you!”

“Right.” He says angrily. “Evil, Angry, Sarcastic, Attention-obsessed girl’s aren’t really my type.”

“Really?” I say angrily, taking a couple of steps backward. “Really? Was- Was that you’re stunning comeback? That was terrible!”

Louis rolls his eyes and walks over to me.

“She brook up with me because of you. She called me, cryin-“

“That’s not my fault!” I say, throwing my hands up. “Bea asked if any of you had girlfriends and stupidly you said no.”

“Yeah, Well that was before I told her I loved her. And she told me that back.” He said quietly.

I scoffed. “Is that supposed to make me feel bad? Because it is not working.”

“You are so-“ He began to say, and then I pushed him into the pool.

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