50TH SPOOF SPECIAL :D + Meet Hollyblaze!

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Roseflight: Yus! Been partying hard for all this time, I guess it's time to post the 50th spoof!


Roseflight: Sorry.


Heathermouth: You know what would be epic? If we could like, look at the best moments we've had.

*a black she-cat with golden stripes comes in*: Hallo!

Dragonsoul: Who are you?


Cat: No... I'm Hollyblaze...

Roseflight: I'm still calling you Peanut Butter Jelly Time though.

Hollyblaze: I guess that's fine.

Dragonsoul: Do you want me to do the initiation? *grabs a fish*

Hollyblaze: Maybe later. But I know how you can look at the best moments you've ever had! :D BEHOLD *holds up a tape* THE AWESOMENESS COMPILATION OF AWESOMENESS! :D

Fireblaze: AWESOME! :D

Lionfluffeh: Both of you stole my suffix! D:

Shaggyfur: Shush it, fluff.

Lionfluffeh: :(

Frostwhisker: Well let's watch the thing!

Hollyblaze: OKAY *inserts it into a VCR* Why do you guys have a VCR?

Roseflight: Dunno.

~~~ Any words that appear in italics are words that appear "on-screen"~~~


Roseflight, once known as Roseheart, had a plan.

That plan involved spoons and awesomness.

It started when she and her sister Heathermouth met the awesome cat known as Sparkspeed

Sparkspeed: YOU'RE AWESOME! :D

Roseflight: You're not bad yourself, cat!

Sparkspeed: Call me Sparkspeed! :3

Roseflight: Awesome name! I'm Roseflight

Sparkspeed: You're awesome too!


Roseflight knew that this cat known as Sparkspeed would be totally awesome. But that didn't stop there...

The next day, or at least the next spoof, an old friend, Moonpaw, had joined her adventures.

Roseflight: So this is Heathermouth and Sparkspeed! You two, this is Moonpaw.

Heathermouth: Hai! :3

Sparkspeed: Ohai there! :D

Moonpaw: Hello. :D


Everybody: YEAH!

*after their attempt and failiure*

Roseflight: AWESOMENESS :D

The four of them decided to do a talent show. During said talent show, they met Frostwhisker, the love of Roseflight's life...

Roseflight: Hai, purrty deaf cat

Frostwhisker: Hai, and I can hear just fine :3

Roseflight: You're kewl

Frostwhisker: I know

Roseflight: ♥

And a couple days later, Shaggyfur, whom Roseflight had known for a while, joined the awesomeness.

Shaggyfur: Derp *holds a spoon*

Roseflight: SPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON *runs into Shaggyfur*

Shaggyfur: Spoons rule!

Roseflight: Yeah! :D

And some time later, they invented the Roseflight Club of Awesome.

Some cats proved to be too unkewl to join...

Tigerstar: Never become a Tiggypoo. :(

Some were too freaked out by their awesomeness...

Ravenpaw: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!! *throws a chair at Roseflight and runs away*

Roseflight: Spoons!

Only the awesomest, randomness cats... or dragons... could survive.

Dragonsoul: I ROCK, FISH-SLAP *slaps Roseflight with a fish*

Roseflight: YOU ROCK :D

Fireblaze: I'm derpy and awesome B)

Moonpaw: Welcome to the club!

And through all their pranks, catmint-highs, and et cetera...

They remain the awesomest kittehs ever.




Dragonsoul: WE'RE AWESOME

Hollyblaze: YES YOU ARE

Roseflight: I can't believe we went through all this together! *hugs Frostwhisker*

Shaggyfur: We're the epicalest cats in the world!

Hollyblaze: We could make our own Clan if we wanted to!

Frostwhisker: *still being hugged* Let's do that!

Derpystar: Or you can join St00pidClan :3

Dragonsoul: NO *fish-slaps Derpystar*

Now I'm gonna start doing this thing called Q&C, or Question & Comment. So you can comment and I can see your opinions and stuff. Or I might give you a little quiz of sorts. Like this:

TODAY'S Q&C: While writing this, I made a typo. But that typo was so hilarious, I kept it in. Can you find the typo? Hint: The typo is in one of the character's names. 

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