When They Found Each Other Again

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I stood there frozen where I stood and so did he and there we were for a moment only staring.

Then the realization hit, that's it, there's no way of denying it now. My heart almost jumped out of my chest.

Oh no.

I turned and ran out into the hall but stopped only by the door.

I can't.

Soon he was right there next to me.

"Mel- Mary?" He asked me softy. I refused to look up at him so instead I bowed shamefully.

What happened next was just a blur. Suddenly his hand was on mine and I was pulled, before I could realized anything, he arms were around me, squeezing me tightly.

"You don't know how badly I wanted to find you," and with his voice in my heat I felt my throat close and my eyes begin to tear.

This shouldn't be happening but I'm so happy.

I'm relieved.

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