Chapter 42

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I woke up with a start. Last night's events came back to me and I sat up quickly.

Warren sat in my chair, watching me. His expression was impassive and he didn't react when I sat up. I sighed in relief - he was here and he'd been watching me sleep. Then doubt set in - he hadn't flashed the smile I received every morning when I opened my eyes and he was there. And he was still watching me with a hooded expression.

Still, he was here. I started to go to him.

"Kindly remain where you are," he said and the precariously tilted chair moved slightly.

I sat watching him, wondering how long I was to be punished.

He sighed and ran his hands over his face, then set the chair right. "I should break off all contact with you," he brooded.

I dropped my eyes. The irrational fear rose again, more fiery than before. Or maybe it wasn't so irrational... "Why?"

"I am more of a danger to you than I first supposed.  Last night I came too close to attacking for my peace of mind."

I couldn't breathe. My face heated up and I dropped my eyes, fighting my tears back. I tried to misunderstand his words but it was too obvious. "Are you...are you breaking up with me?" My pitifully low voice broke.

"Excuse me?" He sounded mad but I didn't look up. I tried to speak but the lump in my throat choked me. I felt him sit on my bed. "Do you hold my word in such low regard? Have I not repeatedly promised you, nay, sworn to you that I will never leave you? Did I not renew my oath only yesterday?"

"But you just said -"

"That I should break off all contact with you?" His voice was low now, conversational. "Indeed, it would be the wise path, the noble, acceptable, gallant course of action." He tipped my face up, wiped away an errant tear. "Whether I have the strength to is another matter."

"I don't want you to be gallant," I sniffed.

He smiled softly, amusement flickering in his eyes. "I shall keep my word but I perceive the urgent need for rules and regulations."

"What kind of rules?" I asked suspiciously.

He smiled wryly. "They shall be made as need dictates. But there is one obvious rule; last night will not enjoy a repeat performance."

I nodded slowly.

He drew back and ran a hand through his hair. "At the present moment, however, we must look to the activities of the day."

"What are we doing?"

"School followed by final practice."

"You've got a game tomorrow?"

He nodded again. "Season finale."

"Oh, crap. I'm grounded."

"I believe Keith can be favorably convinced. It's part of school, after all. He might pose a problem tonight, though."

"What's on tonight?"

"Ashley's prom."

"No!" I whimpered, trying to get off the bed.

Warren laughed as he pulled me back to him. "It's not your event, for goodness sake!"

"I know!" I wailed. "But you'll still want me to wear a dress!"

"We'll discuss that in due time," he said in amusement.

"You see?" I demanded. "See what I mean?"

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