Chapter 35

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I sat on my bed the next morning, chewing on my lip. Warren had left early that morning saying he'd meet me at school. I hadn't had a nightmare/vision and I could already tell it was going to be a hot day.

Warren had been complaining a lot that my wardrobe of jeans and T-shirts wasn't 'feasible' for the hot Los Gatos summers. And staring at my closet now, I had to agree. I sighed and decided to throw myself to the wolves - or in this case, panther. I dialled Ashley's number.

"Hey," she chirped.

"I need your help but promise me you won't go overboard."

"Say no more. I'm on my way. You'll love what I picked out."

"How do you -" the line went dead and I raised my brow.

When she got to my house she sashayed in carrying shopping bags. I closed my door and watched her laying out the different tops - talking a mile a minute - then asked, "Ashley, how did you know what I wanted?"

She turned to me, grinning. "Warren's been going on and on about your clothes. I think having me for a sister's rubbing off on him."

I crossed my arms. "And how did you know I wanted a top, exactly?"

"Oh, and shoes!" She whirled round again pulling out transparent shoe boxes.

"How do you seem to just know things before anyone says or does anything?"

She turned back to me, tucked her hair back. "You really do notice things, huh? Okay, I'm a bit of a psychic," she giggled.

I raised a brow, unconvinced.

"Okay, fine. You know Warren accesses thoughts, right? Well, I see decisions people will make before they make them, and the consequences of each decision. So I can almost accurately tell people's futures. The more I concentrate, the further on in the future I can predict. So I knew you would want these yesterday and I went shopping."

"I just made this decision today," I countered.

"It's been building up," she shrugged. "Warren's been bringing you to this moment for a while now."

I rolled my eyes. That guy was annoyingly sneaky.

And that's how, an hour later, I stepped out of my car feeling a little ridiculous. The top I had finally chosen was a pretty blue in a soft material. It was really girly and a little low cut. She'd talked me into the wedges - dark blue peep toes - saying that wearing this top with sneakers would be a fashion crime. I got to keep my jeans, though she insisted on white ones.

When I got to my locker, my friends were just about to head to class.

"Wow! Nice top!" Anya gushed.

"You look so cute," Amber smiled.

Chuck gave me a thumbs up and Derek just smiled at me as they left. I got my books out of my bag, then stuffed the bag in my locker.

I heard whistles behind me and turned to find the basketball team coming over. "No smoking in the building, Belle!" Chris called, making me blush.

I was laughing when Warren left them and came over to me. "Imps!" he dismissed with a chuckle, slipping an arm around me in a simple hug. "Although you do look quite delectable."

It was harmless but I still looked away. It had reminded me of the not-so-fun part of my weekend.

"I did not mean to -" he began, his jaw clenched.

"Don't sweat it," I assured, leaning back into him. "I do look good."

He smiled and drew me closer. "I must inform the office of Roger's absence."

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