Chapter 33

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I got lost.

I'd been trying to drive to the Strandtons' but I couldn't find the hidden turn that led up to the house. After three attempts I gave up and called Warren. His phone was off, which made me frown. I was about to try it again when Ashley called. "Hey, you're lost, right?"

I frowned again, sidetracked. "How'd you know?"

"I know everything. Don't worry, Roger's already on his way to you."

"Where's Warren?"

"Sorry, I'm cooking. See you in a few."

She hung up and I glared at my phone. I shifted into my passenger seat, my dread mounting.

"Hi," Roger grinned, entering the car. "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine, great, what's wrong with Warren?"

He looked a little wary. "What do you mean?"

"His phone's off," I growled. "His phone is never off."

He'd backed the car up a little and now we were headed up the forest road - and this, if nothing else, proved beyond a doubt that I had no sense of direction. Roger relaxed as he said, "He's just in the forest, fooling around. It's nothing to worry about."

"Then why's his phone off?" I persisted, still unconvinced.

"Honestly, I don't know." The huge gates swung open as he drove through. "But I bet it's for a good reason."

Great. Now all I had to do was hear this good reason. When we got into the house, I found Ashley and Veronica in the kitchen. Veronica was overjoyed to see me and she distracted me for most of the morning as she insisted on discussing our prom.

Later in the morning Kyle picked her up, taking her out for lunch, and she laughingly warned us not to burn her house down. I was fully relaxed by the time she left so I just hung out with Ashley and Roger, watching TV.

I was in the kitchen with Ashley helping her clear up after lunch when she suddenly froze. I glanced at her then stared. She looked shocked then came back with a fearful gasp, dropping the glass dish in her hand.

"Ashley?" I asked in concern, setting aside what I was doing to go to her.

"You promised you wouldn't look," Roger accused in the doorway.

"I know," she wailed, "but I couldn't help it. It was so close..."

"Alright, that's it!" I snapped, still rubbing Ashley's back as I glared at Roger. "You guys wanna tell me what's going on?"

"I told you -" Roger began reasonably.

"Take me to him," I broke in, and at his surprise I said, "You know where he is, right?"

"Well, yes, but -"

I stepped away from Ashley. "Then let's go."

"He won't want anyone -"

"Roger," I cut again and his jaw clenched. "Now. Please."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, then he turned to Ashley. "You're lucky I love you."

She hung her head as he picked me up and they raced out of the house.

When they stopped I realised that we were close to Harper mountain, where we'd gone hiking on Warren's birthday. As I swept my hair out of my face, fixing myself after their mad running, I looked to the top of the mountain and could just make out Warren. He was staring down though he couldn't see us. The wind was tugging at his clothes and hair and though I couldn't see his expression, I felt dread settle in the pit of my stomach.

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