Chapter 8

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I held my breath, frozen in place.

The howling came again, filling the entire room, and the biting wind blew sharply into my face, blowing my hair back. That's when I realised that my mind had been playing tricks on me, that it had only been the wind. I closed my eyes and my breath came out in a loud whoosh. I hadn't known that I was holding it. I ran my hand through my hair and kept it there. My icy fingers on my scalp seemed to do me a world of good; my mind began to function correctly again.

I remembered my phone, and regained some confidence. I fumbled in my jacket pocket and took it out. The beam of the torch was thin but, compared to the utter darkness of only a moment before, it was more than welcome. I shone it around the room, taking in the mindless clutter - an old oak chest, bits and pieces of wooden chairs, and old fashioned lamp shades - and I wondered who had once lived here. I shone the light on the windows and the doors, but they only yawned like huge caverns. I bit my lip, concentrating.

Okay, if Warren really brought me here to keep me safe, then I couldn't leave. Besides, my light would be worse than useless outside. But it was so cold in here! Maybe I just had to find a warmer room? I frowned, considering this. I turned and, as if it had a mind of its own, the light fell upon a worn wooden staircase. I glanced at the doorway, but Warren still wasn't back. I took a deep breath, breathing in courage. "Okay, here goes."

I walked over to it and gingerly put my foot on the first step. It felt firm enough, but when I moved to the next one, the first creaked loudly. I stopped as my heart started beating wildly again, then calmed myself down. Sounds like this were normal in such old abandoned houses.

Still, I took the steps slowly because they kept creaking. Up ahead, a normal looking landing loomed up and I was faced with a wooden door. I stared at the door, wondering why it drew me. Maybe it was because it was the only one in sight so it had to be guarding something. I reached forward to push it open since there was no handle. I actually had to push to open it, and it groaned and protested loudly but gave way. I stepped in eagerly and looked around the room. It was empty, however, except for a long mirror and something that looked like a chair. I felt a disappointment I couldn't understand.

It was cold up here, and I verified that there were no windows. Something rustled when the wind blew in, and I turned to the sound. The mirror was covered by a sheet, but this was slowly being blown off. Already a huge part of the mirror was exposed, and as I shone the light I saw...

I slowly approached the mirror, feeling somehow compelled. The reflection on the other side approached as well. I couldn't make out much of it, but somehow I looked...different. I wasn't sure, but I got the sense that my reflection did not look like me. Was she wearing...?

And then my phone died. I tried to switch it on again, but it was no use. I was plunged into darkness again, except now it seemed more desolate. My eyes flew to the mirror. I was terrified of what I had seen, but I couldn't even make out the mirror anymore.

There was a sudden, bright flare right behind me. I whirled round, gripping the mirror's handle. Relief washed over me in waves and left me groggy, gasping for air.

"And there was light." Warren's voice was musing as he held up the lamp in front of him, his face illuminated by the glow. Then he seemed to notice me. "Belle, is anything the matter?"

"No," I gasped, struggling to get a grip on myself. "I like exploring creaky old houses on my own at night, with dying lights and sudden scares for extra effect!"

He arched a beautiful brow. "I see. Well, I'm sure it's already late. Shall we?"

I nodded, more or less recovered. As I followed him out, I realised that I hadn't heard him come in which is why he'd managed to scare me. Even now, he was already heading down the stairs yet they were silent. That didn't make sense; these things didn't stay silent when I came up. "How do you do that?"

He turned to me. "Do what?"

"These stairs creak like crazy."

He continued down and I had no choice but to follow. He was on the last one when he finally said, "I suppose it takes great skill."

"Tell me about it," I muttered, wincing when yet another loud groan sounded under me. Warren switched off the lamp, took my hand and led me to the car. As he drove, I thought back to tonight's adventure, lingering on the mirror. I had seen something there, something different about me.

But that was insane, wasn't it? I mean, mirrors have no business showing distorted reflections, so it couldn't possibly have been that. But what had I seen? I frowned and bit my lip. I wasn't sure. What did that say about my mental health?

"I hope you're not too annoyed with me." Warren's voice broke gently into my thoughts, drawing me back.

I looked up at him. "Why did you leave me alone in there?"

"It was an error on my part. The car required immediate attention and I feared for you in the wind and rain. In my haste, I realise that I neglected to give you light." When he turned to me, his deep eyes held only sincerity. "Am I forgiven?"

I blinked, stunned by his eyes, and nodded automatically. "Yeah, it's cool."

"That is your home, correct?"

I looked up and nodded. He stopped the car and I tucked my hair back. "Thanks for tonight."

"It was purely my pleasure," he smiled, and my stomach did a funny little flip. "On the morrow."

I nodded and got out.

"Sweet repose, Belle."

It wasn't until he started the car that I realised I had no idea what repose meant. I turned to ask him, but he had already driven off. I smiled and shook my head. Warren wasn't exactly easy to understand, but I still liked being with him, and I looked forward to the next school day.

I turned and walked into  the house, my mind still filled with Warren.

"Have you eaten?" Dane asked from the living room.

"Yeah." I went over to him. "Where's Dad?"

"Not home yet." He looked me over, then yanked me down onto the couch next to him. "Had fun?"

I nodded.


"Dane!" I complained, rolling eyes. "His name is..." I trailed off, realising that I had no idea if he meant Warren or Victor, and didn't feel able to explain as I was a little confused myself. "Never mind."

He shrugged. "Ace, then."

I sighed and leaned back to watch TV with him.

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