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(lack of capitalization is intended. don't flip your shit.)

(also, i curse like a damn sailor, so if you don't want to read a bunch of swear words, then don't read.)

sometimes, people don't understand what goes on in your head.

scratch that.

people never fucking understand what goes on inside of your head.

you know why?

because sometimes, you don't even know how to begin to describe what's going on in your head. it's your own little dystopian hell up in there, and you can't do shit about it.

and you know you can't do shit about it.

that's the hard part.

sometimes, you just go throughout your day. wake up, go to school, socialize, come home, and that's really it.

but also, there are the days where you wake up, and the second your eyes flutter open, you just want to close them immediately and hope you never fucking wake up again.


and sometimes, you just try your hardest to ignore that little string in your heart that's drawing you back from being happy.

because everyone's heart has the little string that harnesses them away from happiness.

people break through your outer exterior and once they get to the string, they fucking yank it until you're suffocating and can't breathe.

and once they've pulled the string too hard, that's it.

you can't ever be happy again.

and that's what depression is like. that small little string that's always being tugged on, every day of your life.

by the bullies.

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