Oh My God Stefan, You Can't Just Ask Someone Why They're Purple.

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"That was close," Stefan said, walking into the living room, where Damon and I were sitting in silence. Caroline followed close behind him. "That was way too close."

"Tell me about it," Damon scoffed. "Who does this guy think he is? Buffy? Luring us out with blood... How predictable can you get?"

"You didn't predict it," Caroline pointed out.

"Yes, that's because I didn't know how completely insane he was," Damon snapped back. "Trying to out us in front of the whole town... This guy is beyond crazy."

"He's smart," I muttered. "And that makes him dangerous. Did anyone else noticed how he disappeared so fast? He's prepared for anything."

"Yeah, well he better be prepared for me to rip his throat out," Damon seethed.

"No, we have to play this smart," Stefan argued. "He's a vampire hunter. He'll be expecting us to attack head on. We have to plan this thoroughly."

"That's your opinion," Damon glared. "I say we find him and kill him."

"Do you want us to get killed?" Stefan pressed.

"What happened today will not happen again, Stefan," Damon growled. "We would've been completely screwed if Mia hadn't have come up with an idea."

"Where is Mia?" Caroline frowned.

"Probably with Jeremy," I replied.

"Damon, we aren't dealing with an ordinary human here, he's smart," Stefan argued. "If you go and blatantly attack him, you'll get yourself killed."

"Damon, Stefan's right," I cut in. Damon looked at me, determination and fury in his eyes. I stood up and set down the empty blood bag that had been in my hand. I'd had about a billion of them when I got home. "We need a plan, a good one at that. Stefan, go get Ric, tell him we need access to his weapons supply."

Stefan nodded, going to leave. Caroline decided to go with him. She was going to warn Liz about this Connor guy on the way. Damon and I stood in the room for a moment, not talking.

"We're going to need help with this," I announced.

Damon made a face, pouring himself a drink. "I really don't think we do."

"You people are so petty," I scoffed. "They'll want to know anyway." I took Damon rolling his eyes as a reluctant agreement. I pulled my phone out and typed the ever familiar number, holding the phone to my ear and letting it ring. The other end picked up after a few seconds.

"Little sister, what can I do for you?" Klaus answered.

"We have a problem," I replied. "I need you and the others to meet me at the boarding house as soon as you can."

"Sounds interesting. See you soon."

I hung up and quickly texted Mia before putting the phone away. Damon seemed as bored as ever as he lounged on the couch, sipping from his glass. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, not knowing exactly how to say what I wanted to.



"I... um... Just wanted to uh, say thanks," I muttered. 


"Stopping me," I finished. "If you hadn't have been there, I probably would've started eating everyone, and then we would've been exposed."

Damon shrugged nonchalantly. "No problem. Just doing my job as a good citizen."

I frowned slightly. Here I was, showing gratitude, which was quite rare nowadays, and he was acting as if it were nothing. My frown turned into a glare as I started to get angry. I was about to snap at him, but then I realised something. 

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