The End.

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When I woke up, I found that I was in a bed, which was a relief because beds were comfy. What woke me was the sound of door closing. I groaned and rolled over, wanting to go back to sleep. I could hear shifting around the room, and I was irritating so I pried my eyes open and sat up.

I was surprised to find myself in Damon's room, and I discovered that the noises I'd heard was Damon moving around in the bathroom. He wore only a pair of black pants, and his dark hair was messy, as he'd obviously just woken up. He was one of those people who looked attractive with bed hair.

"You know, I forgot how much room you take up when you sleep," he commented, not looking up from what he was doing.

Then everything came back. The party, the argument, and let's not forget the kiss.

I sighed. "We did it again, didn't we?"

"Did what?" Damon asked, drying his hands on a towel. 

"A cliché romance scene," I sighed. "You got jealous, stormed off, I went after you, we started fighting, and then we made out. God, we suck."

"I thought it was pretty fun," Damon shrugged.

I ran a hand through my hair. "How did we even get here? The last thing I remember was being in the woods."

"We came back here a couple of hours after that," Damon answered. "If I can recall, you were adamant on going into detail about how much you love me."

I scowled and chucked at pillow at him. "I did not. It was probably the other way around."

"Well, I don't remember you blatantly rejecting me, so I don't think it was," Damon smirked.

"Don't be a dick," I said. "I thought we got past that."

"So we did. And now for the awkward morning after conversation," he stated. He frowned slightly. "Did last night mean anything, or are we kidding ourselves?"

I sighed. "I'm done trying. There's just too much effort in trying to deny what we have, and I'm a lazy person. I'm awesome, you're awesome, let's be awesome together."

Damon smirked. "I could get used to that."

I rolled out of bed, and found that I was wearing a pair of Mia's pajamas. I probably stole them. The problem was, that they consisted of cotton shorts and a tank top, and since it was the middle of winter, I started to get cold.

I stood up and stretched, letting out a yawn that sounded like a sloth trying to immitate a whale.

Damon gave me a doubtful look. "That was attractive."

"I know. I'm hot as," I agreed. I grinned and walked towards him, going in for a hug, but at last minute I stopped. "Actually no, don't touch me. I'm too fabulous."

Damon arched an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Have you seen me? I'm better than all of you."

Damon grabbed my waist and pulled me against him. "Well, too bad."

"Hmm... I suppose I could make an exception for you," I sighed. "I mean, considering we're like dating or whatever." I chuckled and planted a kiss on his lips. "I'm hungry, let's go make pancakes."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs. The house was messy, and there were empty cups everywhere, but at least it wasn't full of drunk teenagers any more. We entered the kitchen, and found that everyone was already awake.

Stefan, Mia, Caroline and Elena were sitting around the table, drinking coffee.

"Can somebody pick up the phone?" Mia asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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