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"...What?" You feel dumbfounded and stare at Seonghwa with your mouth agape. He looks away out of embarrassment. "You heard me loud and clear" He pouts cutely.

"But... then why were you so mean when we first met?" You confusedly ask, still in shock. Realisation hasn't hit you yet as you try to process all of this information while asking questions.

"I was afraid to get close to you knowing that San liked you already, but after talking to Yeosang I decided to just go for it and that's when I became kinder to you" He explains.

You both sit in silence for a few moments as you stare at your lap, eyes wide. Seonghwa likes you too? Did he just confess? Why aren't you telling him how you feel? 

You look up when you hear Seonghwa clear his throat awkwardly. "I'll get going then" He uncomfortably laughs as he stands up. You panic at his sudden actions, not wanting to leave his company just yet. "I should go too. Why don't we walk together?" You frantically suggest before it's too late. You recieve a smile full of warmth from Seonghwa as you dash to catch up to him at the front door.

After walking peacefully side-by-side, you suddenly laugh. "What's so funny?" Seonghwa offers you a puzzled expression. You pretend to wipe a tear before proceeding. "If you had confessed earlier, everything would've been much easier" You smile to nothing in particular.

"Because I've always liked you too"

You notice that Seonghwa has stopped in his tracks and you do the same. He stares at you with an unfaltering gaze, and you honestly don't know how to react. To make things a bit less awkward, you turn to face him and stare into his eyes too. Your eyes get stuck to his. You feel addicted to the subtle shine in his reflective coffee irises, which are full of life, warmth and wonder.

He steps closer and closer before you're close enough to feel his delicate breath on your face, but you still can't take your eyes off his eyes. Seonghwa leans in slowly until your lips lightly touch. His soft, plump lips draw you in as you drift into the kiss, deepening it.

He pulls a few centimetres away and whispers, "Does this mean I get to call you my girlfriend now?" You brightly beam and quickly nod in response. Your reaction causes Seonghwa to smirk slightly before attacking your lips again, slightly rougher this time, but you appreciate it all the same.

"Hey how- what?" Yunho greets you at your front door but cuts himself off as his eyes widen when they trail down to your hand joined with Seonghwa's.

Before you explain, Jongho and Hongjoong storm through the front door. "We heard what happened with your head and were so worried and- oh?" Hongjoong displays a similar reaction to Yunho when he notices you and Seonghwa together. You reassure them that you're completely fine now before inviting your short friend and Jongho into the house.

Everyone's faces read "You have some explaining to do."

You reveal the gist of the previous events, leaving out the details as you wouldn't be able to hide your blush if you included them. 

Yunho claps for you, as excited as a child in an amusement park. "I told you it'd work!" You shy away from his eyes, which screamed "I told you so!"

Jongho and Hongjoong also congratulate you, but then an idea suddenly pops into your mind. "Seonghwa, why don't you finally reveal what you've been hiding all this time? Surely you realise there's nothing to hide?" Seonghwa throws you a panicked glance and takes a deep breath. 

"You're right. Everyone, I've been hiding this but I'm a dancer and I love dancing!" He proudly announces, and you can't help but feel proud of him too. "No way!" To your surprise, Hongjoong jumps up. "I've been hiding the fact that I love dancing too!"

You laugh at this situation and Yunho and Jongho join you. "I was the only one who knew, but I'm glad he finally revealed it" Jongho mutters into your ear beside you, and you nod along. Now you feel pride for your boyfriend and friend.

"You should tell San, Wooyoung and Yeosang too, they deserve to know" You whisper to Seonghwa while the other boys are loudly conversing about dance and music. He sighs loudly. "I know, and dealing this news about us two to San will be a whole other problem. But I think with Wooyoung by his side, he might just be fine." You tighten your grip on his hand in an attempt to provide him with some comfort and it seemingly works as he relaxes into your grasp.

You both find out that you missed a lot because now Yunho is tuning his guitar, and Jongho is practicing some vocal exercises. "What's going on?"

"Were you two lovebirds even listening?" Jongho's nickname for you causes both you and Seonghwa to redden. "We agreed that we can have a music night thing tonight where you'll play the piano, Yunho will play his guitar, I'll sing and Seonghwa and Hongjoong will dance together so we can see how good they are!" Jongho immediately turns to Seonghwa and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. Seonghwa simply rolls his eyes. "I have a girlfriend. But that still sounds like fun nonetheless! Who's ordering the pizza though?"

"First of all, I'm so sorry for all of the trouble I unnecessarily caused because I was such a coward" Seonghwa embraces you outside of your front door after your whole group had a great time and food. Jongho and Hongjoong had already gone home, leaving you and Seonghwa to utter your temporary goodbyes under the watchful twinkle of the stars above.

"Don't worry about it" Is all you quietly mumble, not wanting to ruin this moment. You absorb the warmth from Seonghwa from your bodies being pressed together in the crisp, cold and quiet night.

Seonghwa nuzzles his nose into your neck before clearly enunciating words that make you feel soft inside.

"Now that I can finally have you, I'm never going to leave you."

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