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You try to take in the sight in front of you as quickly as you can.

The man in front of you... beautiful is the most accurate word you can think of to describe him in the moment. His sharp features grab your attention, from his cutting eyebrows to his piercing jawline, you are awestruck. His deep brown eyes tinted with a hint of mischief draw you in like a spell. Your attention is drawn to his hair. You never thought an undercut would look this good, with his jet black fringe sweeped to one side. You notice one stud piercing on his left ear, until your thoughts are interrupted by a voice.


You notice that the voice came from the man in front of you and you can only hope you weren't staring at him for too long. The butterflies in your stomach flutter delicately as you quickly conjure up a response.

"Hello! My name is Y/n, what's yours?" you throw out a sentence in a rush.

After hesitating, he finally answers.

"Park Seonghwa"

Your insides dance once again as you hear his deep, soothing voice. Unfortunately, as attractive as his voice is, you're not as dumb as to miss the subtle tone of annoyance laced underneath.

He lets out a deep sigh and warily speaks up "We don't have much time left so let's just hurry, I do biomedical science and I like d- playing football" after gesturing you to speak, he adds "Be quick" with a clear look of discomfort and haste painted all over his face.

Trying your best to hide your disappointment, you talk a bit about yourself. "I also do biomed and well...ummm...I enjoy music and I like playing piano" You grow flustered seeing his sharp eyes stare daggers into you. Your face gradually becomes red and you fidget with your fingers, unknowing of what else to say.

Seonghwa lightly chuckles, and after looking up you realise he's laughing at you rather than with you. The condescending look in his eyes snaps something in you.

This guy turned out to be an absolute dick and your hope is slipping out of your fingers fast, like a melting ice cube in your hand. It's slowly getting away as you try to grab at whatever is left.

All of his actions are telling you that he's bad, but there's something in you that's encouraging you to hold on. That he might not be as rude as he seems.

That there's still a chance.

These hopes are shut down quickly as you clearly see Seonghwa whisper somthing to his friends, and they all laugh, looking in your direction. You feel your face burning up and tears stinging your eyes.

In that moment you curse at yourself in your head. How could you believe there was some good in a man like him? There's no more child- like innocence left in him. And you wondered if he had much empathy either.

"Circle time!!" you hear Yonghwan scream at your bench. With a feeling of dread welling up in your stomach, you drag yourself to stand beside Seonghwa.

He gives you a sideways glance in discomfort and slightly shuffles to the side. Once again, you feel extremely self conscious, but choose to ignore it as Yonghwan points to you. "Tell me about your partner!" he enthusiastically orders.

"His name is Seonghwa, he does biomed and he likes football" you announce shyly, quickly glancing at your uninterested partner. Yonghwan gestures to Seonghwa to introduce you.

He lets out an obvious sigh before beginning. "Her name is Y/n, she does biomed and likes art and stuff" he talks in a bored voice. Also,

He got your information wrong.

You try not to let the shock show on your face as he mentions how you like art when you clearly told him you love music. You so desperately want to explain to him again afterwards but something about his demeanour told you that he simply didn't care.

You make eye contact with one of his friends who gives you a dirty look, and you can't help but wonder what he had told them about you. This man had beautiful facial features and he reminded you of a prince. You look over to Seonghwa's other friend and to your surprise, he flashes you a small, genuine smile. He also has sharp features, most notably his sharp, upturned eyes and his extremely distinct jawline.

You slightly shake your head in disappointment after remembering that he's friends with Seonghwa, meaning he's not as good as he seems at all.

You spend the rest of the lab trying to understand the overall structure of a lab class, while occasionally trying to initiate small talk with your partner but failing miserably.

You were determined to get your partner to come out of his shell but he was proving it to be quite difficult.

"Do you know anyone else here?"


"What do you think of Yonghwan?"

"I don't know"

"Do you have any other hobbies?"


"How do you find the college so far?"

"It's nice."

You feel more like and interviewer than a friend at this point, and decide to give up for now. You don't understand why, but you're desperate to become friends with this mysterious yet rude man.

"So what kind of person is your partner?" Yunho questions you as soon as you leave the lab, curiosity exciting you both.

"Quite an asshole, what about yours?" you brush off the topic lightly with a giggle, not wanting to talk about Seonghwa for too long. After giving you a pitying look, Yunho begins "Well my partner is so nice, and he's funny too! His name is...Mingi!" You smile warmly seeing your friend get so excited over meeting a new friend, and you feel happy that at least he'll have a better time than you.

More people flood out of the lab, so you and Yunho slightly step to the side. Suddenly, Yunho looks down with a blush and mutters "there's the hot guy from this morning again..."

Your eyes widen and you get ready to whip your head around to catch a glimpse of this man but you're stopped by Yunho grabbing your arms. "Let's just go" he quickly starts to shuffle away. You shrug and brush it off, hoping to catch another opportunity to see him again very soon.

This mysterious "hot" boy piqued your curiosity, yet you couldn't brush off the feeling that it's someone you've encountered before.

As you and your friend walk to the bus stop, you notice a sign.


Tomorrow @ the sports hall

Be there by 10am and join any club instantly!

Many stalls, don't miss out!

You stop Yunho from speeding ahead by grabbing his arm. "We need new friends! Let's go to this event!" you excitedly suggest. "Yeah good idea!" he pitches in with a thumbs up, and sets off again. You shake your head at him, but laugh anyway. He can be the most adorable person after all.

This is what Seonghwa would look like in the lab :0

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