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"So you're giving up on him?" Yunho asks after you explain everything that you had planned for today. There was only about an hour left until the dreaded time to meet Seonghwa. You nod in response to Yunho's question, which earns you a sigh.

"He's a bad person, Yunho. I'm saving my future self from a lot of heartbreak if I take action now." You try to reason with him, but his expression remains unfaltering. "I don't know, I still feel like something's wrong. I don't trust that San guy one bit. I mean, did you even see that creepy smirk on his face when you talked to him in front of the hospital that day?" He spews.

"That's just how he always smiles, nothing to be concerned about." Yunho blankly stares at you for a second before bursting out laughing. After noticing your puzzled eyes, he elaborates. "You really think that a normal person smiles like that? I hope everything clears up after today" He wheezes. The last part of his sentence leaves you even more confused.

"You hope everything clears up? What are you talking about?" He flashes you a knowledgable smile. "You'll see."

You nervously bounce your leg up and down as you await Seonghwa's arrival in anticipation. The calming atmosphere in Utopia seems to have little to no effect on you as you let the warm scents of the delicacies around you waft straight past your nose. You think deeply about what exactly to say to him when he arrives.

"Surprise!" You whip your head up to find a bright looking Seonghwa. You can't help but notice how he looks extremely attractive in his black shirt while wearing a choker. His bold fashion choice leaves you entranced and your mouth cracks open. He decided to style his soft black hair to be curly and you scream internally. He looks so good. You lightly shake your head at yourself, disappointed that you're thinking this way about someone who barely even sees you as a friend.

He pulls out your favourite chocolate bar while beaming and extends his arm to you. "Just a little get-well-soon present." Your expression momentarily brightens as you accept his gift, but this quickly fades when you remember the reason you're even meeting him.

You force a fake smile and utter a small "Thanks" before gesturing to him to sit in front of you. "How are you feeling now?" You release a genuine smile this time, appreciating his concern. You hope that he's not faking his kindness for now. "Nearly good as new, thanks."

An awkward silence hangs in the air between you two while you both pretend to be occupied with the menu. What neither of you realise is that the other is most certainly not thinking about the various items up for order.

As soon as your brownie and Seonghwa's coffee arrive, he breaks the tension. "So... about San..." He stiffly begins. Your heart clenches at his words and you decide to finally begin.

"Oh yeah... he told me everything. And honestly I was really hurt." You let out a bitter laugh, and Seonghwa's face suddenly loses all of its colour. "So I wanted us to meet today so that I could let you know that I'm not willing to let you use me anymore. I don't want to talk to you again." You take a deep breath, feeling so upset about everything you just said. You were truly hurt by Seonghwa but it still pains you nonetheless to say this to him and he seems quite pained too.

"What? Y/n, please tell me exactly what San told you because I'm very confused right now." You sigh loudly, slightly agitated for having to explain this to Seonghwa even though he should be well aware. "Well remember that time you said you finally revealed your crush to your best friend? San told me that since he's your best friend-" "He's not though?" Seonghwa interrupts your explanation, annoyance laced in his tone. "My closest friend is Yeosang. Tell me what other lies that idiot told you."

His stern expression makes you suddenly nervous and you gulp. "He said you were using me to get close to your crush, t-that's why you became nice so s-suddenly" You immediately start doubting your decisions as Seonghwa's face gets darker the more you speak. He starts to mutter curses under his breath while looking at his coffee. You grow concerned but still very bewildered.

After calming down a bit, Seonghwa's soft voice returns. "Look, San is the last person you should trust. I'm going to be completely honest with you from now on. Yes, I'm friends with San and have been for a very long time but he changes sometimes to get what he really wants. He really likes you Y/n, and that's why the darker side of him has emerged. He's trying to get you away from me because of his pure outrage towards me after he saw you crying the last time we met in Utopia"

You try to process everything in your head. San likes you? How did Seonghwa know that you cried that day? Is this why Yeosang gave you a sad look when you sided with San? Realisation hits you as you understand all the warning signs. Even Yunho warned you multiple times but you still ignored him, blindly thinking you were doing the right thing.

"I'm... so sorry for not trusting you but trusting San instead" You mumble, drowning in guilt. Seonghwa offers a small smile and he shrugs. "Don't worry about it! Misunderstandings happen all the time I guess, at least we figured it out." Seonghwa's kindness makes you feel even more remourseful as you bury your face in your hands, trying to drown out his chuckles.

You feel too ashamed to talk to Seonghwa now but one question lingers on your mind that you need the answer to. You completely ignore your untouched brownie and focus all of your attention onto Seonghwa. "If you don't mind sharing, who is your crush then? I don't talk to anyone that you're not friends with already so I can't help but feel confused."

Seonghwa grows flustered at your direct question and thinks for a second. His cheeks redden slightly and he takes a deep breath.

"There's no point in trying to hide it anymore, I like-" A smile full of affection shines at you through his face, his eyes glittering in your direction.



Finally Seonghwa confessed (o˘◡˘o) he could've saved you so much hassle if he said it before but anyway!
This chapter was also late because I got really busy but unfortunately since uni starts now, I'll be even busier and it pains me since there's only one chapter left but I don't think I'll have it out for tomorrow o(TヘTo) I might! But I might not... so I'm sorry in advance for the delay, hopefully it won't be too long.
I'm planning on having a longer author's note at the end of the story so I'll save some thoughts for there ヽ(o^ ^o)ノ Thank you for the support! (♡˙︶˙♡)

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