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"Let's start off with basic introductions first, shall we?" Hongjoong announces. The day after the club fair, you received an email notifying you that the first club meeting with the music club will be the next day.

And that's where you are right now, sitting in a circle beside Yunho with about twenty other people. You're in a small room in the music building. The room is so miniscule that everyone's chairs are squeezed right together and there's no other furniture, not even tables. You notice a keyboard and a violin case in the corner of the room, but those are the only intruments visible to you.

Hongjoong stands up and announces to the group "I'll start! My name is Hongjoong and I'm the founder of this club and the leader! I apologise for the... cramped room, since this club is still relatively new, we're still working on getting better resources" he awkwardly plays with his fingers. "But anyway, I produce music and love to rap and I started this club with my friend, Jongho"

He gestures to a soft yet strong looking man beside him, who proceeds to stand up, towering over Hongjoong. He brushes his brown fringe out of his eyes before smiling and continuing with a melodic voice.

"My name is Jongho, and I love singing. I'm hoping to make my passion into a profession in the near future, but for now it's just a hobby. I'm only in first year in a music course so please forgive my lack of knowledge" he adorably scratches the back of his head in an playful way and quickly sits down again. 

You suddenly feel out of place as a science student, but you try to comfort yourself by reminding yourself that an interest in music is valid enough. Yet, you still can't help but nervously shuffle beside your giant friend, afraid of saying the wrong thing when it's your turn to introduce yourself.

One by one, the members in the circle stand up and talk briefly about themselves, your turn quickly approaching. Yunho suddenly stands up, reminding you that you're next. "My name is Yunho and I love playing the guitar! I'm in my first year of biomedical science but I swear I love music too" he laughs. You can tell that his bright personality has already attracted some people, as they suddenly straighten up to his laugh, as if it's some kind of sweet serenade.

You gulp as Yunho sits back down and try to suppress your nerves. After quickly standing up, you blurt out "I'm Y/n and I also do biomedical science, but I love playing the piano and I wanted to find somewhere where I could enjoy my passion at the same time as pursuing my dream career" you feel your face start to heat up for no reason at all, even though Hongjoong is flashing you a reassuring smile across from you. Before you can embarrass yourself further, you shoot back into your seat and hang your head low.

After the introductions, everyone is given fifteen minutes to bond with each other, but you still decided to stick with Yunho. "I looked like a fool didn't I" you complain, covering your face. "Not at all! In fact you were so cool that I bet everyone's eager to talk to you, they're just nervous" Yunho winks at you. You feel a bit better, even though you know he's joking wih you. You were never good at socialising and you had a habit of running away from new people that approached you. 

As if to mock you, the man who you remember as "Jongho" glides across the room in your direction.

"Hey! I think it's so cool that you want to spend time on music even though you chose science" he starts, and you feel a slight blush creep onto your cheeks. You mutter a "thank you" and he continues.

"How long have you been playing piano?" you can tell Jongho is trying his best to keep the conversation going so you decide to put in extra effort to help him. "It's been twelve years now, but I haven't had enough time to improve to be as proffesional as I'd have liked" you casually shrug. Jongho's eyes widen and he appears excited. "No way! That's so impressive, I bet you're great, I'd really love to hear you play one day!" he exclaims enthusiastically.

You give the boy a warm, genuine smile. You'd love to play for him but in the back of your mind your anxiety starts to kick in again...

"I want to hear too!" you jump at the sudden, voice beside you and notice Hongjoong had come over without you even noticing. You reflect on his smooth and sweet voice, as if listening to the texture and taste of honey. You smile and nod as Yunho adds "I'm coming too whether you like it or not" 

You feel a bit shocked since you didn't think Jongho was being serious, but now that Yunho and Hongjoong have joined in you have to go ahead with the idea. After deciding that it'll be the future you's problem, you propose the idea "Wanna go out for lunch tomorrow?" without thinking much.

Yunho flashes you a confused look but after realising that you're trying to make new friends, he joins in. "Yeah it'll be fun!" Jongho and Hongjoong glance at each other and shrug. "Why not? How does that new restaurant, Utopia, sound?" Hongjoong suggests. You couldn't be happier that the two new boys are willing to be friends with you so you and Yunho both agree gladly.

"Jongho's definitely interested in you" Yunho  calls out to you as soon as you both arrive home. "Don't be silly" you nonchalantly brush off the topic. But for some reason, Seonghwa's face suddenly flashes through your mind.

Why are you thinking about him at this time?

"But what do you think about him anyway?" You consider your friend's question for a few seconds. "He seems kind and warm" you reply honestly. Yunho obviously eye rolls. "Yeahhhh sure, after you asked him on a date tomorrow"

You instantly start to glow red. "Wait is that what it looked like?" you cover your face and grumble, "That's not what I was going for at all... I just wanted us all to bond some more" Yunho laughs at this. "I was just teasing, but I still think he likes you~" he teases, drawing out the last word. Suddenly, he gasps and his eyes widen in realisation. "Unless you have your eye on someone else?" the boy wiggles his eyebrows suggestively and once again, you redden.

"Something like that..." you mumble, avoiding eye contact.

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