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Seonghwa immediately drops to his knees at the sight of you and his blood boils when he notices San beside your limp body as well. The crimson liquid on San's knuckles makes Seonghwa want to throw punches at him, but the innocent and worried look on his face stops him from doing anything reckless. 

He's calmed down, no need to stir him up again and accidentally hurt you.

The whole car ride to the hospital was in pin-drop silence, rage seething off Seonghwa. His grip on the steering wheel tightens as he starts to imagine what could have happened to you. Yeosang and San sheepishly sit in silence, guilty of losing their temper and getting everyone hurt.

You were breathing steadily, but the boys wanted to be sure nothing happened to your head internally, since you hit it hard enough and you could have potentially gotten a much more serious injury without realising.

"Call Yunho and tell him to meet us at the hospital" Seonghwa mutters through gritted teeth, trying his best to not snap. He wanted to avoid asking about the details of what happened yet so he wouldn't do something unsensible.

You open your eyes slowly, immediately squinting at the intensely radiant light above you. Your head immediately starts to throb, especially at the back of it. You open your eyes a bit more to take in your surroundings and find yourself on a bed in a white room.

A hospital bed?

Before more questions start accumulating in your brain, you hear Yunho's lively voice beside you. "She's awake!" You open your mouth to start questioning the situation, when Seonghwa's face appears from behind Yunho. Suddenly everything starts coming back to you. 

You remember hitting your head off the wall behind you in that alleyway because of...


Everything he told you about Seonghwa rushed back to you in a wave, causing your head to ache even more. You grab it and groan, in hopes of chasing Seonghwa away. It seems to temporarily work as Seonghwa leaves after saying, "We should inform the doctor."

"Is something wrong with me? Why am I in a hospital?" Your puzzled expression causes Yunho to respond with whatever he can.

"You hit your head pretty hard and blacked out, but I wasn't told anything else. The doctors wanted to wait until you were awake to do some final tests on you but thankfully it seems as if you're fine?" He raises his tone questioningly. 

You smile and nod. "Of course, other than this horrible pain in my head, I don't feel any different." You wiggle your fingers and toes while moving your arms to double check. Yunho lets out a sigh of relief and passes you a pill with a glass of water. 

"Well the doctor told me to give you these painkillers when you wake up, so these will help" You thank him and take the painkiller and Yunho leaves you to rest for a few more minutes while waiting for the doctor to arrive.

You take your time to lie down and try to wrap your head around the events from that night.

He was just using you. 

You knew not to believe San but his words made sense to you. Seonghwa was acting suspicious after all, and this answered your doubts perfectly. Of course someone like Seonghwa was too of a high standard for you, you guessed this from the beginning. But this deepened the pain you felt. You thought you had finally gotten him to warm up to you but it wasn't the case after all.

Who is the classmate he's trying to get to? You don't talk to anyone other than your friends so you feel more confused. Despite how much you feel you should trust Seonghwa, you realise you haven't even met him that him long ago and you barely know him at all. You can't help but feel utterly betrayed, having had higher expectations. Yunho had fooled you into thinking you had a chance.

Just wait until I get to you Jeong Yunho, you think to yourself. As much as it hurt, you feel like it'd be the best idea to avoid Seonghwa all together. You wish you could stay close to him but if you stayed with him any longer, you could end up getting much more heartbroken in the future.

Maybe you should thank San later for saving you a lot of trouble. You wonder if he's in the hospital too.

A man quietly enters the room, but it's not San. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asks, and you start your check-up immediately.

A few minutes after, you're finished with everything and the doctor discloses that you can go home. As you're walking out, you see San and Yeosang sitting on a bench at the front of the building. Yunho, who's walking beside you, follows you as you approach the two men. 

"San, thank you for warning me even though your methods were somewhat...unconventional. I've thought about it for a while and I'll use your information wisely." A sly smirk forms on his lips. "Anytime!" He beams.

You can't help but notice the bitter scowl on Yeosang's face beside him. He lightly shakes his head at you and looks away, leaving you in even more confusion.

Before you get even more caught up in your thoughts, Yunho tugs your arm signalling for you both to finally go home. As you're walking, he asks you about what happened. You spend the whole car ride home explaining the events of a few hours ago to your best friend, earning yourself a concerned glance from him every now and then. 

When you're done explaining, Yunho nods in understanding. "It's a shame", he mutters under his breath. By now the pair of you are stepping through your front door and you decide to get a nice, long sleep tonight. You wanted to try to forget about Seonghwa. But this was proving to be extremely difficult since your feelings towards him still lingered like an aftertaste, except you were unsure if you could get rid of it in the end or not.

You had unknowingly grown very attached to Seonghwa over the past few days and now you'd have to suffer for it. While you think about letting go, you get a text which leaves you in even deeper thought.


Hey, I hope you're feeling a
bit better now! 🥺
Yeosang told me about what
happened but San won't tell
us what he told you... Is it okay
if we meet up soon to talk about
 it more? I'm really worried about
 you :(


i'm feeling better, thanks
and yeah let's meet up, i think
i'm feeling ok enough for 
tomorrow at 6 at utopia?


Great, see you there! 😊

You concluded that this will be the last time you'll meet him. You've decided to officially end your friendship with him tomorrow after confronting him about his deeds.


As you might be able to tell, the story's coming to its end soon! (╥_╥)
It's quite a short story since I didn't want to risk writing too long of a story when I'm still so new to all this (o^ ^o) 
Also sorry this update was a bit late, I'm uploading this with only about fourty five minutes left in the day (in my time zone) so technically it's still a daily update but it's still late so I'm
sorry ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・

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