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Devon and I are in Andre's office waiting for Hakeem to come get Bella and Prince since he is finally back from shooting the movie in Philadelphia. He came back yesterday and he wanted to get the kids since he hasn't physically seen them in a while. While he was in Philly all we did was facetime because I could not fly out there with them because of my busy schedule. During that time me and Devon have been getting to know each other better and he has really bonded with the kids especially prince. Since were waiting Prince and him are playing and Bella is sitting by herself playing with her stuffed animal.

Hakeem walks in and he was being really nice to Devon which kind of surprised me since Keem can get a little jealous when I'm hanging out with other men. When he and Devon finished talking he was asking me about how I was handling the twitter trolls and I told him I was getting through it. The interview really helped so I'm not getting as much hate as I was getting in the beginning but there are still some trolls that are still active. 

It was time for Keem to take the kids so Bella got her things but Prince was crying. I felt bad because I can see the hurt in Hakeem's eyes. Prince is crying because he got really close to Devon so he is pretty detached to Keem since his still young and Keem was gone for 2 months which is an eternity for a 2 year old. Eventually Hakeem got a hold of him and walks out with him and Bella.

"Well that went well," I say sarcastically to Devon as I start to gather my things to go home.

"Yeah you don't think he would be mad about that do you," He says with a concerned look and I look at him smiling and say "You clearly don't know Hakeem because he is definitely pissed but his keeping it in which is new but I like it" I say with a little smirk on my face. I know for a fact that if this was a year ago a fight would of definitely broke loose between the two. I have seen how mature Hakeem has gotten and it makes me so happy that his taking care of himself and he makes the kids his number 1 priority.  

"Well I'm heading home so see you later," I say to Devon and I give him a kiss before heading out and I hear him say bye to me while I am walking out so I turn and I give him a small wave and continue to walk out to my car. 

I get in my car and I was about to start driving but I get a call from my best friend Honor. I pick up and I hear her voice throughout the car since I put her on speaker so that I could start driving.

"Hey girl you wanna go out to the club with me and the girls," Honor says with an excited tone 

"Sure I'm free but isn't it a bit early to be going to the club," I say looking at the time on my phone and it says four thirty-seven.

"I'm talking about tonight but where are you at right now," She says sounding curious.

"I'm at Empire I was bringing the kids to Hakeem since he got back yesterday but I'm on my way home right but you will never guess what just happened," I say knowing I'm not going to tell her yet cause I like teasing her.

"what," She says getting a little excited for me to spill some tea.

"since I'm about to be driving I'll tell you when you pick me up tonight," I say with a smile because I know it annoys her when I start to tell her something but don't finish.

"Girl really you gonna say that and not tell me," She says and I can hear the annoyance in her voice and I start to laugh .

"You can wait for a couple of hours," I say assuring her that I was going to tell her eventually.

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