Entry 29

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Dear paper,

I tried asking Kakuzu what was going on, but that dirt bag glared at me and walked off.

Like what the hell?!

Speaking of hell.

Tobi asked me about Kakuzu today, now I finally understood something he said.

He asked me if Kakuzu was a good partner, WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO SAY TO THAT?

I told him no, just for him to run away.

And he definitely ran away, but that still doesn't explain why Kakuzu is mad at me.


Maybe he found out I stole his fucking money again for a new Jashin pendant...

That must fuckin' be it.

Anyway, I haven't seen blondie yet today.

And I still need Kakuzu to stitch my pinkie finger back on!

Stupid Plant ass, trying to EAT ME after i "accidentally" stepped on a flower.



Anyways, ill write more later, I need to find Kakuzu.

-Your hurt Jashinist, Hidan

Hidan's Diary (PT 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt