Chapter 24

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The companions looked at each other in surprise.  Marrraa was vulnerable and it would have been easy to kill her.  Magic did that to a person, which was why few wizards ever traveled without some sort of bodyguard.

Tathan responded, “We’re not going to kill you, Mistress Marrraa.  We’re here to do a job and I don’t make a habit of betraying my employers.”  He didn’t mention that there was no way they would antagonize the only people that could get them home from wherever they were, deep underground.

“Not to mention that we happen to like you, Mistress Marrraa.”  Liselle assisted the Rojuun woman to her feet.

Marrraa nodded.  “That is good to know.  I hoped you would be trustworthy, but trusting another race does not come as easy for me as it does for my brother.”  She fumbled food out of her backpack to help her recover energy.

“That’s understandable.”  Tathan looked toward the gates.  “How long do we have before more come?”

“They will be gone awhile,” she answered.  “Never try to hunt them alone, as they do not relent.  I hope you are capable of fighting them, but I have concerns,” she said, looking nervous at the idea of going outside the gate with them.

“Do not fear, Mistress Marrraa,” said Sir Danth.  “All will be well and the curs shall fall beneath our might.”  The knight had drawn his sword and stepped toward the gate.  “Now, let us venture forth to deal with these unnatural spawn of evil.”

Marrraa pulled keys out of a belt pouch.  “The cavern on the other side of the gate is vast, three times larger than Garrrn Cavern.”  She unlocked and opened the gate.  “There is a fast river in the distance to the right, which flows to a small lake on the far end.  From what we have discovered, there are twelve tunnels coming into this cavern.”  She explained all of this as they moved through the doors.  “I recommend that we travel along the wall to the left for now.  It is not wise to walk to the middle only to be surrounded by sstejj.”

“Wise plan, Mistress Marrraa,” Sir Danth said.  “Tathan, you will scout ahead, yes?”

Tathan moved forward wordlessly, sliding his sword out of its sheath.

Marrraa took a few steps after Tathan.  “It is not wise to separate in such a manner.  The sstejj are quick and scouts are found dead, if they are found at all.”

Liselle put a hand on the feju’s arm.  “All is well, Mistress Marrraa.  Tathan isn’t an ordinary scout.  I notice there aren’t as many plants in this cavern as in the last.”

“No, the sstejj trample them when they gather in packs,” Marrraa said sadly as the rest of the party followed Tathan at a slower pace.  “It is as though their only purpose is to kill Rojuun,” she said through clenched teeth.  “I don’t understand it.  There are other creatures down here that are dangerous, yet coexist.”  Marrraa’s fists were clenched around the knives she had drawn absentmindedly.  She was angry and it showed in her body language.


Tathan moved ahead at a low run.  He ignored Marrraa’s warning.  The life of a scout was always dangerous.  That was part of what he liked about the job.

It wasn’t long before he found one of the creatures limping around in a circle.  One of its legs was missing and another was broken halfway up from Marrraa’s spell.  It stopped and turned its head to the side.  Tathan could see the gill like openings, about ten of them, on the side of the head where the ears would be on a normal creature.  They opened and closed in a ripple effect from front to back.

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