#1 (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

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Request: Hey! Would you be able to do an Star Wars One shot ? In this Obi-Wan and his young padawan are madly in love but they have to stay hidden because of the Jedi Council. So one day they got caught kissing and y/n is about to be kicked out of the order until master Yoda interferes for the couple and the are able to stay together and get married. Thanks! 💖. Requested by @ladyofhellhounds.

"Master, you called for me?" You entered the training room.

"I did. You can leave now" he told the other padawan that was in the room.

"You're training others, I see" you said as soon as she left.

"I am. Why? Are you jealous? Because you know jealousy leads to the-".

"The dark side, I know".

"You ready to train?".

"Always, master".

"I have taught you well, my young padawan" he was pleased with your improved skills.

"You have, master" you came closer to him and kissed him.

"Y/n, what are you doing? I told you, it's too risky. Someone could see us".

"I don't care. It's hard pretending to not have feelings for you" you informed him.

"I know. I know" he kissed your forehead and rested his chin on your head.


Oh, Ben! I was so worried about you" you jumped on him after he was gone on a mission that was rumored to have failed.

"I'm alright!" He chuckled before kissing you in the corner.

"Wait, stop! I think someone saw us" you got worried.

"I sensed it too".

Later that day, you were summoned by the Jedi council. When you entered the meeting chambers, Yoda and Obi-Wan were the only ones who weren't present.

"Y/n, a trusted member of the Jedi Order said that you were seen with Master Kenobi. Is this true?".

"He is my master and I was worried about him. I thought that he had died in that ship crash" you informed them.

"You were seen being intimate with him. Do you have anything to say to defend yourself?".

"I do not. It is what it is" you stood before the council ready for them to expel you.

"Then it is clear. The punishment for this kind of act is expo-".

"Informed of this meeting, I was not. Explain yourselves" Yoda entered the room with Obi-Wan at his side.

"Master Yoda! We didn't want to bother you with some unimportant matters" one of the council members said.

"Hrmm... important, every matter is, yes!" He nodded and walked to his seat.

"Of course. We were discussing-".

"I know. Come to a decision, I have. To be married, young padawan Y/n and Master Kenobi are!" He told the council.

"But Master, there must b-".

"Final, my decision is".

"Thank you, Master Yoda" Obi-Wan bowed before him. You were in shock but did as Obi-Wan before exiting together.

"W-what was that?" You asked.

"I knew the council was going to expel you and find a suitable punishment for me, so I went to Master Yoda for help. He said the best way to avoid straying to the dark side is if we stayed together" he explained.

"So, we're getting married?" You grinned.

"We are".

"Who's officiating the wedding?".

"Master Yoda".

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