Show Off (Anakin Skywalker)

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Request: Maybe something with anakin and you're both jedis and you're on a mission together and you get hurt and anakin fusses over you and takes care of you? Thankss. Requested by @tacosssssssssssssssssss.

"You called me, Master" you entered the training room.

"I did, indeed. You are to go to Coruscant with Anakin to retrieve some vital information" he instructed.

"But I'm sure he can do it alone. Isn't he the strongest padawan and soon master?".

"I sense unease. Is there something you wish to tell me? He personally requested that you accompany him" he informed you.

"Did he now? And no, master. There's nothing wrong. It's just that he likes to show off his fighting skills and he's a suicidal pilot" you complained.

"With that, I agree" he chucked "but I trust you will keep him from killing the both of you".

"I will do my best".


"I see that you've agreed to accompany me" he smirked.

"Anakin" you greeted.

"Come on, admit it. You enjoy my company".

"Hmm... no, I do not. Why did you ask for me?".

"So that I wouldn't have to go alone".

"I'm not your entertainer, Anakin!".

"But you are. Your facial expressions when you're with me is entertainment enough for me" he teased.

"Sometimes, I just wanna murder you with my lightsaber".

"You can try".


"Anakin, slow down!" You yelled.

"But we're having so much fun".

"No. You are having fun. Now, slow down!" You ordered.

"You see, that's what I'm talking about. Your facial expression amuses me" he laughed.

"Me throwing you out of starfighter will amusing if you don't slow down now. You're gonna kill us or you're going to destroy the ship!".

"You're no fun".

"And you're suicidal".

"Oh, no!".

"What is that sound? And that smell?".

"Prepare yourself for a rough landing".


Luckily, you landed on Coruscant alive but with minor injuries thanks to Anakin.

"I hate you" you exited the starship.

"Come on, don't be like that" he followed.

"How are we supposed to get back now?".

"You forget that I am good at fixing things".

"I'm not flying with you ever again!".

"I'll let you fly it".

"I don't trust you to fix it".

"You know that I'm good at it".

"Fine" you watched as he did some things to the ship and fixed it.

"It's done".

"Just like that?".


"If we die on our way back, it'll be your fault".

"I accept the responsibility".

When you arrived at the tower you were supposed to retrieve the information from, it was surrounded by clones killing innocent people. You and Anakin shared a look before lighting your lightsaber and attacking.

"I'll distract them, find the senator" Anakin ordered.

You rolled your eyes "always the show off".

You retrieved the information successfully but on your way out, a group of clones surrounded you. Unfortunately, the senator died as soon as one of them shot at him. They tried to do the same to you but you quickly grabbed your lightsaber and blocked their attacks. There were too many of them that you couldn't take down. Sure, you used the force to throw some of them away from you but using the force and fighting depleted you. You became weaker and slower, barely blocking their attack. One even managed to shoot you in the arm. Another shot you in the stomach but Anakin came to the rescue and killed the remaining clones. He rushed to your side and tried to heal the wound in your stomach.

"You're gonna be alright" he assured you and carried you towards the ship "I guess you won't be flying the ship after all" he joked.

"Oh, shut up!" You sighed before losing consciousness.

When you woke up, Anakin was pacing around the room.

"I've never seen you like that" you commented.

"You're awake!" A smile filled brightened his face.

"You were worried" you adjusted your position.

"Pfft. Why would I be?" He tried to deny it.

"Because it was your fault that I got shot and you thought I might die".

"That's absurd. How is it my fault? Besides, you should thank me. I saved your life".

"Yes, you did but only because you got me into this mess. If we stuck together none of it would've happened".

"Here I am, saving your life and trying to be nice and you're blaming me. I can't believe it" he rolled his eyes.

Luckily, Obi-Wan entered your chamber resulting in Anakin leaving before the two of you could argue.

"Master" he greeted.

"Anakin! Good job!" He praised.

"Tell her that" he left.

"Don't be harsh on him, Y/n" he advised.

"I was just teasing. That's what he always does" you defended.

"He cares about you. You know that, don't you?".

"Does he? Well, he doesn't show ir".

"Of course, he doesn't. The two of you live just to fight and tease each other. You should've seen his face when he brought you in. You wouldn't have believed it was him. He was pale and worried. His heartbeat could be heard from miles. He never left your side until now" he informed you.

"I wasn't aware of that".

"I don't think he wants you to be aware of it. And remember, attachments are forbidden to a Jedi".

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