G1 (Poe Dameron)

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"No, you're the best pilot that we have, I will not allow you to go" you refused to let him go on a dangerous mission.

"but I'm also best suited for it".

"No!" you insisted.

"is this because of our relationship?" he asked.

"it's not the only reason, but yes. I'm not going to risk your life".

"You're being irrational. You said you wouldn't let our relationship get in the way of our work" he reminded.

"I didn't and I won't. I said it's one of the reasons. Even if we weren't together, I wouldn't let you go. And I am not being rational. I am not about to lose the best pilot we have because of an unclear dangerous mission".

"You can't jus-".

"My decision is final".

"Fine. Permission to jump in an X-Wing and blow something up?" he was so frustrated with you and needed to blow off some steam.

"Permission granted" you accepted with a sharp tone.

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