-chapter fifteen-

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New York, New York. June 10th, 2017. Compound Courtyard. 10:39 AM.

"Steve," Malone jogged up behind the tall blonde man. He turned around and gave her a warm smile.

"How are you feeling, Malone?" He asked.

"I should be asking you that," she smiled. "But, that's kind of why I'm here," she paused awkwardly. "I really wanted to thank you, and say I'm sorry. I feel terrible that you got hurt because of me," she motioned to his torso.

"Let's go on a walk," he smiled, offering his arm to her. She carefully slipped her uninjured arm through his, walking alongside him. "Tony told me your story, and I can't help but relate to you. I l lost both my parents before I was, well, enhanced, we'll say."

"I'm so sorry," Malone whispered.

"What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to apologize. You had zero control over the situation, and besides," he looked down at her and smiled, "getting hurt is just a part of this job." Malone fell quiet walking beside him, trying to process what Steve had said. "Have you made any progress on finding Cole?"

"Um, no. Kenny keeps trying to call him, people say he's not even at the apartment. He's off the grid and I'm worried sick but Kenny and Ryan both think it's a bad idea to go after him," she rambled. "They're worried that if we all leave to go find Cole, Mr. Stark will drop the band. I can't imagine he had any idea this much drama would come with us. We didn't know."

"There was no way for you to know," Steve sighed. "You can't blame yourself." 

"God," she laughed, "you sound like Bucky." 

"Where do you think he got all that wisdom?" Steve chuckled. 

Malone being manipulated had scared Steve because he saw what it did to Bucky. He had tried hard to get Malone and Bucky together because he knew they deserved each other. Bucky had been depressed, angry and closed-off since coming out of cyro because he couldn't remember anything, but Steve thought maybe if Bucky found something or, someone, that would teach him all of the wonderful parts of himself he would begin to once again become the Bucky that Steve knew in the '40s. Steve knew the old Bucky was buried deep within the Winter Soldier, and only a special person could draw it out. Upon meeting Malone, something inside Steve told him that she was capable of bringing Bucky back, and it only helped that he kept catching them stealing glances at each other before formally meeting. After witnessing them become friends, Steve made a personal promise that he would protect Malone as if she were his own sister.


Boston, Massachusetts. June 10th, 2017. Berklee Campus. 12:48 PM.

Cole slumped down into a metal bench outside of the campus coffee shop, groaning. He'd come back to Boston after leaving the Compound, his only plan being to find a talent agency or a new band. Wash his name clean of any relation to Hands One Thousand, start a new life. 

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