-chapter three-

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New York, New York. May 20th, 2017. 10:37 AM.

Bucky had lived in the Avengers Compound for a month now, learning the layout and routines of the other heroes he lived with. He did his best to put on a persona of a well-adjusted member of the team, but inside, he was still paranoid and scared of himself and the world. He didn't sleep, only ate with Steve, and did his best to learn how to be the modern version of the guy he was before he fell off the train. At the moment, he was thumbing his way through a book about the Korean War, trying to figure out how he played into the story. Bucky knew he was there, knew he was involved with the war somehow, but didn't know exactly how.

"Sergeant Barnes, Mr. Stark has requested the presence of the team in the ground floor commons," Friday spoke to him.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute," he replied. He grabbed his coffee mug and gulped down the rest of it, tossing the cup in the sink before stepping into the elevator. The elevator was all glass, and Bucky turned his back to the door, staring at the outside world. It was a greenery-filled piece of land that Bucky had come to love, he didn't really ever want to leave. He stepped out of the elevator and into the large living room where the rest of the team were already sitting and chatting. He took a seat next to Steve, still staring out the wall of glass, past the large balcony and out at the forest.

"Focus up, kids," Tony Stark's voice called from the bar across the room. "I have an announcement." He stared at the group of people in front of him, waiting for a reaction.

"Are you going to announce it or just stare at us?" The man Bucky had come to know as Clint spoke up.

"Since you asked," Tony smirked, rocking back and forth on his feet, spinning whiskey in a glass, "I've started a new project. As most of you have realized, there's been some construction happening on the East side of the building." The team shared confused glances. "I've started something called Stark Records. It's my own record label and I built a recording studio out of our way. I held a competition and I've chosen a band to come to live here for 6 months while they record their album in that studio."

"I'm not seeing how this pertains to all of us, other than just getting some new roommates we'll hardly ever see," Sam Wilson seemed confused.

"I'm getting there, Birdman," Tony pointed a menacing finger towards his friend. "Having a live-in band means," he paused for dramatic effect, "more parties," the team groaned in annoyance. Stark's parties were legendary, but that didn't mean they were few and far between. Stark threw a party every chance he got, and now that he was bringing a band into the compound, that gave him even more of an excuse to do so, "And our first party will be a 'Welcome Back to a Normal Temperature' for the, uh, Manchurian Candidate over there," He pointed to Bucky, and the team's gaze followed, all landing on the silent soldier.

"I don't need a party, Tony," Bucky argued.

"Well, too bad. You live here, you enjoy all the parties," Tony smiled at Bucky.

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