-chapter fourteen-

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Asgard. June 8th, 2017. 12:38 PM (Earth Time)

Bucky crouched behind a planter pot outside the palace, heaving to catch his breath. He had seconds to make his move if he was going to save her, he had to catch her before she entered the palace. Bucky closed his eyes and prayed, before raising his weapon. He aimed, careful to find a location that didn't contain any vital organs. He exhaled, pulling the trigger. The boom from the gun was deafening, but her scream shattered Bucky's heart. He stood frozen as Thor, Tony and Steve ran to apprehend Loki and assist Malone. She was out cold, slung over Steve's shoulder.

"Don't hold her like that," Bucky rushed to Steve, pulling Malone off his shoulder and into his arms, carrying her gently. "She's still the girl we know, don't treat her like a criminal."

"We need to get her out of here before Odin arrests her with Loki," Tony breathed. Next to him, Steve hunched over, sweating profusely. "Rogers?", Tony put a hand on his friend's shoulder as he stood up straight. He looked at Tony, face pale and eyes dark. 

"Stark," Bucky called, staring at a deep red stain forming on Steve's left side. 

"Rogers?" Tony asked, again, "Keep it together, Cap, you got hit," Tony reached out to steady Steve, as he was wobbling when he attempted to walk.

"Okay," Steve whispered. "Okay, let's go," he stumbled towards the BiFrost and Thor ran to stabilize him. Thor and Tony helped Steve walk back to the BiFrost as Bucky carried Malone, her arm gushing with blood, her face clammy and drained of color. Tears welled in Bucky's eyes as he realized what he had done. 

"Oh, God," he whispered very quietly, "God, I'm so sorry. Please, please be okay." 

Tony, Steve, Bucky, and an unconscious Malone stepped into the portal and were thrown back to Earth, right outside of the compound. Bucky still carried Malone in his arms, her blood soaking his shirt. He ran into the compound, screaming at FRIDAY to call the doctor that had tended to Malone just a few days earlier. Now, she lay unmoving in his arms from blood loss caused by a wound he had given her. Bucky ran to the medical wing, Tony and a wounded Steve trailing behind him. Dr. Filak, an emergency room doctor that Tony claimed owed him a favor, met Bucky at the door. He quickly took the limp girl and placed her on a hospital bed.

"Full exit GSW, right bicep, could have nicked the brachial!" A nurse yelled. Bucky's vision became blurry and his head became light after Filak had taken Malone from him. The shock of his actions had finally caught up to him, and he sat down in a chair behind him, holding his head in his hands. "Exposed tissue, third degree burn, prep him for a skin graft!" The voices around Bucky soon faded into a garbled mess. His mind was filled with images of what had just happened. Malone's gut-wrenching scream filled his ears. He felt sick. He had just severely injured the most important girl in his life, and he wasn't sure if she would forgive him. He let a few tears fall before hearing Tony's clunky suit enter the waiting area. 

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