-chapter eight-

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New York, New York. June 2nd, 2017. Stark Studio. 12:37 PM.

Malone sat on the couch outside of the recording booth, staring down at the lyrics she'd written. She nibbled on the end of her pen as she tried to find a word to rhyme with 'bewitching'. She had written it phrase by phrase since her and Bucky's night in the gardens. She wanted to capture the way she felt that night, and songwriting was one of her long-time outlets. She never planned on showing it to the band, or to anyone else for that matter. This song was personal, and Malone didn't know if she was ready to share it.

"What's that?" Kenny asked, standing in front of her. He reached down and grabbed the dark blue notebook from his sister's lap.

"Kenny!" She exclaimed. He walked across the room, reading the lyrics.

"Dancing together until our hearts beat the same, I can't help but smile when I hear your name? What, do we do ballads now?"

"It's just a stupid song. Something I'm kicking around," Malone sighed, reaching for the book. Kenny dodged out of her way, exasperating her further. He flipped to the page before the song he had been reading.

"I think of you everywhere I go, but you don't even know?" Kenny stared at his sister, knowing something was up. "Cole! Ryan!" He called the rest of the band into the lounge. The boys walked out with confused looks on their faces.

"Cole, Kenny stole my lyric book and won't give it back," Malone spoke before Kenny had a chance.

"Snitch!" Kenny retorted.

"Dude, give her back her book. You know how she gets all secretive about it," Cole sighed, taking his guitar off his shoulder.

"No, you gotta hear these lyrics. Big brother veto." Kenny stated, walking towards Cole and Ryan. He handed them the book and Malone felt her face turn bright red.

"Malone, who are these about?" Cole asked, his eyes never leaving the page.

"Nobody. I just wanted to write a love song," she lied.

"I asked you to write a love song last year and you refused! You've never written anything like this, who are they about?" Cole pressed. "And don't lie to me, I know you too well."

Malone plopped back down on the couch, bringing her hands to her face. "Okay, so, they're about someone," she admitted.

"Who?!" Ryan asked, sitting next to her.

"I can't, I don't want to tell you," Malone stumbled as her mind dreamed of the soldier she hadn't been able to stop thinking about.

"Okay, well, I guess you don't have to give us a name," Kenny said, seeming unsure.

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